The schizophrenic murderer

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It couldn't be
Standing here in a middle of a crime scene, feeling enclosed and surrounded by the voices and people who slowly move away, silenced.

My best friend, lying on the floor, body drowned in her own blood as if her body was turned inside out.

I can't do anything, I'm stuck
Standing beside her, enjoying the few moments of peace that I haven't had in what seemed like forever

I don't feel the tugging anymore
I don't feel pressured anymore
I don't feel like a puppet, with 30 people controlling me

"Do it"
I blink
"Do it and all of this will be gone"

Heavy breathing as I start to remember the voices over and over again.

I begin to pace around her. Tilting my head. Who killed her?

I question myself

As I slowly feel cold again and my consciousness returns to reality, I realised I am holding the knife.
I killed her

I run back into the corner, dropping the knife as tears swell up in my eyes, burning my cheeks

This is the first time I have ever felt so lonely

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