Sick day

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I went to my room since Jin was mad at me and just went off to sleep I was tired to go shower so I just wen to sleep

Next day

I woke up at 11:00 am I woke up quick since I had to be ready because I told taehyung that I was going to go watch them practice their dances I grabbed clothes and went in I cannot believe it took me 3 hours to untangle my hair! ( your hair on the story is curly) once I was done showering it was 2:34 pm on my god I have to hurry up I putted this on

I woke up at 11:00 am I woke up quick since I had to be ready because I told taehyung that I was going to go watch them practice their dances I grabbed clothes and went in I cannot believe it took me 3 hours to untangle my hair! ( your hair on the...

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My hair:

When I was going to call namjoon i felt like I was gonna sneeze, I sneezed twice

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When I was going to call namjoon i felt like I was gonna sneeze, I sneezed twice... oh no I have the cold
I quickly call Namjoon

Namjoon: yes?

Y/n: namjoon! How do I get there "sneeze" I don't know the location

Namjoon:  i will send it though message, are you sick?

Y/n: yeah i think so, what car do I get or do I go walking o- "sneeze"

Namjoon: take the jeep

Y/n: there is three of "sneeze" them tho

Namjoon: which ever you want we are out of here we are buying you medicine but we shouldn't since you got on our pool without permission

Y/n: "sneeze" no be quiet you-

Namjoon: did you shower before going to sleep

Y/n: no pavo

Namjoon: that makes sense since bt21 didn't got the cold maybe because they did shower!

Y/n: You-

He hanged up I went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks for them i didn't have so much time so i just did 7 of bentos

He hanged up I went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks for them i didn't have so much time so i just did 7 of bentos

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