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It was the day of the mission. Jihoon was nervous. Of course, he was. His brother was nearly killed in the past one. He prayed that this mission would turn out okay. Everything would be fine; they would successfully complete the objective, and no one would be killed. It was going to be okay.

"Trembling, Jihoon?"

"Oh, stick a sock in it," he snapped, "before I shove my foot down your throat."

"Kinky," Yuta smirked, his eyebrow raised. "I like that."

Jihoon swung at Yuta who luckily dodged in time before all of his teeth were knocked out. "Tell that to Sicheng, your boyfriend."

"My Sicheng knows that very well."

Jihoon gagged, not the least bit interested in what Yuta and Sicheng were doing in their free time at home. "Fucking pervert."

"Hope you two are getting along over there," Seungcheol called out from the other side of the room where he was helping Mingyu and Junhui into their disguises.

The shorter glared Yuta who averted his eyes, pretending he never saw it. The two stayed quiet as Mingyu and Junhui were fitted into their clothes and given masks to wear.

"What is this? Halloween?" Mingyu exhaled, peering down at the mask in his hands.

Junhui held a red mask painted with a face of thick black outlines and white highlights. A yin and yang symbol adorned the forehead lined with gray and white. There were holes in the mask for his eyes and mouth. Mingyu had a similar mask, but the base was white instead contoured with black and white. The forehead was painted with horns, and the lips were tinted red and black.

"Red," Junhui said pointing at both of their masks, "it's the color of prosperity and strength."

Yuta snorted. "So they think they're it, huh? Wait until we kick their a-"

"Language." Seungcheol cut him off and gave him a look similar to one that a father would give his disobedient son.

"You're barely two months older than me," Yuta retorted, giving him stink eyes. "Don't treat me like a child."

"Sure, but I'm your leader, so you listen whether or not you want to," Seungcheol simply stated. He tugged on the straps of Mingyu's chest guard a little too hard, and Mingyu coughed, the words barely coming out of his mouth, "Hyung, too tight."

Seungcheol apologizes, assisting Mingyu in loosening the chest guard, as Junhui took to fitting on his mask himself. He pulled out the straps that rested in the mask. At the ends of each strap were velcro strips that would secure it on his head. He lifted up the mask to his face, aligned it with his eyes, and with one hand, stuck the velcro strips together as the other held the mask in place. After the velcro attached, he fixed his hair which had been disheveled when the straps wrapped around his head. It only took him a quick few ruffles for the hair to sit neatly over the straps, almost disappearing, and he shook his head to ensure the mask wouldn't fall off. It didn't, so Junhui let his hand drop to his side.

"Wow," Yuta admired, his hands crossed over his chest. "That was kinda hot, not gonna lie."

Then Junhui jumped before crouching on his knees and bringing his hands, curled into claws, up to his chest. He growled a few times, hissing, "I'm a demon! I'm going to eat your soul!" and proceeded to pounce on Jihoon who let out a not-so-manly scream as he was tackled onto the ground by a demon Junhui flying through the air at a hundred miles per hour.

As the two wrestled on the ground, Yuta stared, his eyes wide, at the scene in front of him in bewilderment. "I take back what I said."

Junhui looked up at Yuta, his hands around Jihoon's neck, as he sat on the poor boy who was thrashing under him. Jihoon looked fine despite the fact he was trapped under Junhui and visibly pissed off, but there was nothing to worry about.

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