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The team burst into the infirmary, startling Hansol from his slumber, as Sicheng glared at them from his desk.

"Are you guys crazy?" Sicheng scolded. "I told you that we need to keep Hansol's heart rate down, and you guys slam the doors open like that while he's sleeping?"

Yuta chuckled. "Sorry, babe." He approached the shorter boy and extended his head to ruffle his hair, but Sicheng smacked it away refusing any sort of affection from his boyfriend. "We sorta got two more patients for you."

Sicheng glanced over at Seungcheol and Jihoon who were each shouldering another one of their members. Mingyu leaned against Jihoon for support, his hand still clutched at his side, and Seungcheol piggybacked Junhui on his back for the boy could barely move himself.

"Get them on the beds." Sicheng walked over to one of the cabinets, pulling out several sterilized medical instruments and some bandages. "Mind explaining what happened?"

After carefully laying Junhui on his back and sitting Mingyu down (he refused to lay down and dirty the sheets), Seungcheol launched into the story about how that one gang member nearly killed both Junhui and Mingyu while they were dealing with the rest of them. As he talked, Sicheng stitched up Mingyu's side and shoulder as the boy winced with each pull and pinch of the string and needle. Jihoon sat by Hansol's chair, softly caressing his hand and leaving small kisses on his head, the youngest still puzzled about the events playing out in front of him. Seungcheol assisted Junhui, helping him into an oxygen mask, so he could breathe, further explaining the story in detail to which Sicheng sighed and shook his head at. With final pull, Sicheng finished the stitches, and he forced Mingyu to lay down on the bed and rest before his stitches came undone. Moving to Junhui, Sicheng checked the bruises all over his body.

"Luckily," he started, his eyebrows furrowing. He gently applied pressure to Junhui's left side, and the boy yelped in response, "his ribcage hasn't been damaged. But his body is severely bruised, and there might be internal bleeding."

Yuta merely shook his head in disbelief. "I'm surprised. He took quite a beating."

"He'll heal on his own if you give him some time," Sicheng stated, walking over to his shelves again to shift through the contents. "I can give him some medicine to help clot the blood and vitamins to help speed the process, but he can't be out on the field for a few days. Even then, he won't be fully stabilized, and we'd have to focus on getting back into full health."

"And you." Sicheng turned towards Mingyu with a bottle of pills in his hands. "No moving around for a week or you'll be bedridden even longer."

Mingyu let out an exasperated breath. "Ah, this sucks."

Sicheng shook his head. "You should've been more careful then." He places the bottle of pills and vitamins on the bedside near Junhui before ushering Yuta over to help him wrap bandages around the injured Junhui. "But good news, Hansol will be out in a week as well."

The team glanced at each other, exchanging a look. It was obvious what they were all thinking - with all of them ready to head back on the field, they could finally pursue Yoon Jeong-ho and his personal guards. While Hansol was quite elated that he could, at last, be moving and doing something instead of wasting his time bedridden on his phone, Jihoon frowned. Mingyu caught it in the corner of his eye, and he peeked over at Hansol. Jihoon was still concerned about them and their education. And something told him that Jihoon didn't necessarily tell Hansol what he had told Mingyu quite yet - guess he didn't want to crush Hansol's cheery mood so quickly.

"Quite frankly, you and Junhui should be lucky that kid didn't kill you or else we would have no chance at taking Yoon Jeong-ho down," Jihoon said instead, turning away from Hansol. "But Yuta let that kid escape."

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