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Junhui and Mingyu found themselves face to face with the leader of the gang himself. Junhui had his mask ripped off by one of the other gang members while Mingyu still had his on his head. There was a cut along Junhui's lip from the aggressive mask ripping, but the gang member who committed that crime was now curled up on the ground sobbing in pain after a beat-up from Junhui.

"So I had a few visitors at my meeting," the leader snarled. "Who ratted us out?"

Junhui spit out the blood in his mouth. "That's confidential, Mister. We can't tell you that."

"That's a shame, Wen Junhui. I feel like we could've come to a deal if you and your friends didn't attack," the leader smirked, his hands clasping together.

Mingyu snapped towards Junhui who was now glaring at the leader, his fists clenched. Junhui looked about ready to pounce on this guy much like he did to Jihoon only a few mere hours before. Except he wasn't playing around in a costume. He had a look of murder on his face.

"How do you know my name?" Junhui asked in a low tone, emphasizing each word.

The leader hummed, chuckling under his breath. "Let's just say I have a source of information as well."

Mingyu reached behind his head, tearing off the velcro and swinging the mask towards the man, and it flashed through the air, a blur of red, white and black until it found its target smashing right into the leader's face. The broken pieces of the mask clattered to the floor as the leader staggered back, his hands on his face. Blood trickled between the gaps of his fingers.

"I thought we were supposed to be careful with the masks, idiot," Junhui screeched, his hands in his hair. "Seungcheol's going to be furious."

The leader let out a yell of frustration. "Kill those fuckers!" A few of the gang members who were standing watch leapt into action at his command.

Mingyu pulled out his guns, flipping them into his hands. "We don't have time for that now."

He swung first at the approaching gang member, punching the poor guy straight across the face. The man recoiled from the attack, his hand gingerly touching his cheek. Then he let out a yell before rushing towards Mingyu and immediately swinging crazily at his face. Mingyu inched backwards, keeping his face away from the fists, and ducked under the arms. He rammed into the member, his shoulder lodged in his stomach, and the member was knocked to the ground, groaning. There wasn't time to admire his victory however because another gang member was already climbing onto him and tackling him to the ground next to his previous victim. The member pinned him down, landing a punch on his face and cutting his cheek open, before Mingyu could regain his senses. Mingyu raised his gun to the man's side and fired, the man stunned by the bullet, and he tossed him aside easily, hopping to his feet.

He faced another two men who both lunged towards him, one on his left and the other on his right. He bent backwards, in a bridge position, letting the gang members accidentally hit each other instead. Surprised at their fellow gang members, the two men tried to stop themselves which failed horribly as both of them only managed to avoid each other's faces but graze their shoulders and arms. Mingyu kicked his feet up, sending himself into a back somersault, and he hit the two men on the sides of their heads, knocking them away from him. After he landed, the two were staggering but not defeated. Mingyu huffed, impressed that they weren't out from his attack but also disappointed that he had to keep the fight going.

"Watch out!"

Mingyu automatically dropped to his knees, lowering his head, as bullets flew by above him and found their targets. The two men fell to the floor with a sickening wet thump, and he pushed himself back up, turning to see Junhui with his guns raised and out in front of him.

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