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"Jisoo, what happened?" Jeonghan frowned as his hands clamped over his brother's shoulders, and he peered at Jisoo's face checking for any sign of discomfort. When Jisoo didn't reply, Jeonghan's hand moved up towards his face, and his fingers softly caressed his cheek smudging away the dirt and tears. "Let's get you clean up first."

Jeonghan was quick to have the water running in the bathroom, so that it would be hot by the time Jisoo got in. He helped Jisoo out of his uniform, unchaining all of the straps and protective gear that covered his brother from head to toe. Next, he pulled off his shoes, the bottoms of them plastered with dried mud, and proceeded to unzip his jacket to strip him down. At that, Jisoo blushed, protesting that Jeonghan didn't need to do so and insisting that he could undress himself, but Jeonghan merely laughed at him, teasing that Jisoo was getting defensive for nothing; the two had seen each other naked many times before when they used to shower together when they were younger. So Jisoo let the boy continue until he was bare with nothing but his undergarments, suddenly ushered into the bathroom to take his last pieces of fabric off and as Jeonghan said, "the water has been running for too long!"

Peeling off his garments and stepping into the piping hot shower, the dirt and blood already began to wash off his body, and Jisoo watched as the water trailed down his body taking the foreign matter with it down the drain and away into the plumbing system to who knows where. He sighed at the feeling of the hot water against his back as he instantly melted under its downpour, his muscles finally relaxing for the first time that entire night. He focused on the sound of the water impacting the ground, clearing his mind from all the thoughts that frenzied through his head like a snow storm. He leaned against the wall, his forehead pressed against the tile, a shivering cool compared to the steamy air around him. Water poured over his head and dripped down his fringe continuing to stream down the middle of his forehead and further down the bridge of his nose before it fell from the tip.

He must've lost track of time because the next thing he remembered was snapping his eyes back open at Jeonghan calling, "Jisoo! You've been in there for forty minutes now!"

"Oh shit, my bad," Jisoo said, but he was unsure if his brother even heard him for he never got an answer back. He shut the water off anyways, climbing out of the shower and grabbing a clean towel from out of the rack to dry himself off. It wasn't until he was rubbing his hair that he realized, "Jeonghan, I don't have any clothes!"

"Yeah, I forgot about that," Jeonghan replied as he opened the door and threw some pajamas at the younger who caught it in his free hand. "Nice dick though."

Jisoo flushed red. "Get out already." He dropped the towel down to his hips to cover himself pushing Jeonghan out of the doorway and slamming the door shut with Jeonghan chuckling, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

With that nuisance out of the way, Jisoo returned to drying off and now dressing in the clothes that Jeonghan gave him. He picked up the shirt, looking at it, quite pleased that Jeonghan decided to spare him and not choose some ridiculous graphic tee that he wasn't exactly sure where he got from. It was a simple black t-shirt that hugged his body tightly but not uncomfortably - on Jeonghan, it would probably be loose due to his thin figure, but because of his own built body from all the training, it didn't fit the same way, and he figured Jeonghan forgot to get him a bigger shirt. The bottom was looser, a gray sweatpant of sorts, which wasn't that bad, but it reminded him of high school gym uniforms. After a quick look at the mirror (he didn't want to be standing there too long nitpicking at his plain-featured face), he hung the towel back up to dry and headed out of the bathroom to see Jeonghan in bed, sheets over his legs, texting someone on his phone with a giddy smile on his face.

Jisoo cleared his throat, grabbing Jeonghan's attention. "Who's that?"

"No one important," Jeonghan said, clicking his phone off and throwing it to the side. "We're here to talk about you, remember?"

spies; a seventeen auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang