Ch.3 - The Grave - Jezebels POV

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My face was sore, eyes and nose red from crying. A pile of tissues lay beside me. Gazing across the paddock, my swollen eyes rested upon the stone that marked his sleeping place. I burst out crying, as the pain had just crushed my soul. Mum kept offering me one of her foals as a replacement, but every time she asked, I turned down the offer by screaming at her and asking her how she could be so careless. I mean, after what I had just gone through, I needed support, not another living creature that has the capability of dying. I didn't want some purebred foal worth thousands of dollars, I only wanted him back.

It wasn't fair, he hadn't even lived a long life. He was only 8 years old. He had at least another 15 years of life to live yet. How could the so called 'loving' Mother Nature be that cruel? I reached up the tree and plucked an orange off it. I raised my arm back and pegged the orange half way across the field to let out some anger. It felt like the brown, dying grass was teasing me, yelling at me that he was gone.

Throwing a punch at the majestic tree trunk, I screamed. I screamed for all my sorrow, all my pain and all my loss. I also screamed for the pain that went crawling up my fist. Great, now I had two limbs with injuries. Remembering in the movies how they kicked rocks when they were sad or angry, I decide to kick one as well. It was only a small rock, but it was enough to make a blood blister painfully form. Sobbing now, I ran to the house and charged through the door. Then, I raced up the stairs, two steps at a time, sprinted down the corridor and burst into my room. I dove under my duvet, curled up in a ball, and cried myself to sleep.

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