Ch.6 - Microchips - Esthers POV

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"Come on Esther, give it up, he is not microchipped, and we are quite clearly bugging him. He can barely stand for heavens sake!" She added, pointing to his left hind leg, which was hanging there limply. "It might be best if, you know, because of his leg, regardless of who his owner is, if we put him out of his misery."
Suddenly, I felt dizzy. The whole world went fuzzy tears started to fog my vision. The taste of salty seawater let me know that I was crying badly. "What!" I spat at her, "how could you even think that!" I had just let my temper loose. Having the metallic scanning device in my hand only made me more angry and hurt and upset, so I threw it at her feet. The sound of her screech made me certain that I had it my target. I felt a bit better after that, but I was still fuming. Yes shes a vet but thats a living animal that she wants to kill! "You are SO selfish, here you are with a sore foot but am I suggesting that we kill you? No? So how about we let him live, or you should start thinking of how you want to die!" And with that I stormed out of the room in a huge, gigantic huff.

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