Ch.8 - webpage - Esthers POV

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The old backstreets that surrounded my house really got on my nerves. I mean, all those creepy dark stone houses with no other colour except for grey on them are really creepy! So thats why on my way home, I had my backpack over my head sheltering me in case all the witches that my big brother told me about, jumped out and snatched me away for there stew.

I sighed with relief as my house, the only one with a lovely front garden with green grass and tulips, came into view. "Mum! I am home!" I grabbed 1 delicious looking pink lady apple and dashed down the hall to get into my room.

Instantly, I click open my laptop and log on to google. 'Equestrian cross country event horse fall, injured horse' That is what was on my screen as I pressed go. Opening up the first webpage, I see that this must not be the page, as the horse in this fall died at the vets. But then, I see the date, that date was yesterday! Thats when the horse was brought into us at five palms vets. Then, as I was scrolling through the site, and skim reading the paragraphs, I saw a picture of a horse, but not just any horse, it was THE HORSE! "Oh my gosh! I was right, he was something special, and expensive," I muttered as I saw the line which said, '"He was loved and was a great show horse, well he should be anyway, since we payed over $150,000" Quote from Rachel Hummings, Mother of Jezibel Hummings, who was the owner' Suddenly, I reached for my phone and dialled in the very familiar number of The Five Palms Vet Clinic. "Hello? Mary? Yes well its me Esther, I have something to tell you about that horse......"

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