Chapter 8

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After that I went home.

End of recap

I got home and my mom was back from her business trip. I hugged her and she asked how my weekend was. So I told her everything including the party, Payton and how I think I'm catching feelings for Payton. I also told her that Payton was picking me up at 8 p.m. tonight. My mom said it was ok. I went upstairs to find an outfit for tonight. I decided to put on a black ripped denim with a pink cropped top. My mom called me downstairs for dinner and after dinner I got ready. I was almost done when I heard a knock on the door. My mom opened the door and I knew she was going to embarrass me. So I went downstairs and saw my mom and Payton talking. I walked up to Payton and grabbed his hand and said to my mom "Mom, Payton and I really need to go". Then we got in the car.

P- Why did you want to leave so bad.
Y/n- Because I knew that she was going te embarrass me. She didn't say something bad to you, did she?
P- No, she just wanted to know somethings,
Y/n- Like what?
P- What I wanted to do with you, what I wanted my future to look like and that if we were going to do things we needed to do it save.
Y/n- Omg I'm so sorry my mom said that.
"It's ok" he said while laughing.

After driving for almost 20 minutes Payton gave me a blindfold and told me to put it on. I did as he said and after 5 minutes the car stopped and I hear the door open and close. Then I heard my own door open and Payton took my hand walked me to a place.

P- You can put the blindfold off.
I did as he said and I saw a kind of picnic by a river.
Y/n- Wow, it looks beautiful!
P- I always come here, it's my favorite place.
Y/n- I really like it!
P- I never brought someone here.
Y/n- Then why did you take me here?
P- Because I wanted to tell you something.
Y/n- Go ahead.
P- I know we aren't really dating and that it is because of a dare, but Y/n I really like you. And I want to actually call you mine and I never felt this before. I feel like I want to spent my life with you. You make me feel a way nobody has ever made me feel before. So I wanted to ask you will you be my actual girlfriend Y/n?
I said "Yes of course" while hugging him. This was the best thing in my life!

We just stayed there for a while and after he took me home. When I got home I immediately called Avani to tell her what happened and she was really happy for me. After a while we hung up and I fell asleep.

Heyy! I was wondering if I'm going to make another book who would you want to be the love interest? And also this is the last chapter for tonight. I'm not sure if I'm going to post a new one tomorrow because I also have homework to do.

Dare // P.M.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ