The meeting

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My name is Rose Bennett and I am a 5ft, brown hair in a bob, blue eyes and a tummy girl and I am a costume student at the Arts University Bournemouth in the UK. I moved into student halls and made friends immediately with my 2 of my roommates Mia, a 5'4 long brown hair, brown-eyed girl who is a photography student and Sarah, 5'5 blonde hair blue eyed girl who is a Drama student. I started classes and made friends with Kelly, a 5'2 long black hair girl with blue eyes and Ryan, a 5'4 redhead with green eyes. I introduced them to Mia and Sarah at lunchtime and we all immediately became friends. Over the course of a couple of weeks, we became best friends. Obviously, they had other friends that became our friends and we would hang out with and go for drinks with but we were the core 4.

After we survived the first year of uni we decided two things 1. We wanted to live in a house together next year so we started looking at 2. We needed a girl's holiday. So, we found a place to live and were set to move in on the 4th September. Sarah found this island off the mainland of somewhere that looked good and an apartment so with the help of our parents we booked flights and an apartment there and left in July. My parents weren't too happy that I was spending my birthday with my friends instead of them but they let me but I just needed to be back on the 30th and spent a week with them before I went back to uni.

We had been on the island a week and we were already loving it. Me and Sarah had needed to work so we had the money for food and luckily for the other 2 they didn't. I had found some work in a café. There was a smaller island that we rowed out to every day. No one lived there and no one seemed to visit it. We went there every evening and sat on the rocks watching the water and chatted.

The day I met Tyler was very unexpected. It was Friday 23rd July 2021. We had finished early and headed over to the island we were sat chatting when out of know where lots of people started to show up. We were all very confused as to where these people had come from. I watched as a group of boys got off a boat. I felt like I recognised them but I couldn't pinpoint from where or even see them properly from how far away they were. I watch the group come in closer and closer until they were at the bottom of the rocks and then it hit me.

They were the D.R.E.A.M LA boys. But what were they doing here? As I looked and realised who they were I went to stop staring at them but it was too late Tyler had met my eyes and noticed he smiled at me and I smiled back and turned away. I slightly turned back and saw he was still looking at me. By then my friends had noticed

"who is that?" Kelly asked me

"Tyler from the D.R.E.A.M LA boys." I replied

"he is so into you." Sarah said

"no, he's not it's probably one of you guys." I replied

"no, it's definitely you." Said Mia

"oh my god he's coming up the stairs." Ryan commented

"oh my god." Was all I could so

"go talk to him." Kelly started

"what. I can't do that. You know how bad I am talking to guys." I replied

They pulled me to my feet

"go. You'll be fine." Sarah said and pushed me towards him.

I met him halfway down the stairs

"hi." He said

"hi." I replied

"I'm Tyler." He said

"yeah I know." I said then realised that was stupid. "I mean I'm Rose." I said

"it's nice to meet you." He said

"yeah same here." I replied

"would you like to go out sometime?" he asked

"yeah. I'd like that." I replied

"great. How's tomorrow?" he asked

"um tomorrows great. I can meet for lunch at 1 on the island." I replied

"great. Meet me at the dock then and we will find somewhere to each." He replied

"ok see you tomorrow." I said

"see you tomorrow." He replied

He turned and walked downstairs. I turned to look at my friends gobsmacked and went back over to them.

"so, what happened?" Kelly asked as soon as I was by them

"I have a lunch date tomorrow." I replied with as I sat down

"yay. Your first date." Ryan commented

"yeah. I guess so." I replied then it hit me "what do I wear?" I asked

"don't worry, we'll help you." Sarah replied

I glanced at Tyler and smiled at him and he did the same. We stayed there and so did they but as it got darker more people came and then when it was dark the beech was packed then suddenly fireworks started to go off. We were all very confused but sat and watched them anyway.

After people started to go home. We talked and watched the people leave before we finally decided to head back to our apartment on the island. When we got back the girls chucked their clothes at me and I tried them on and after a while, we finally found the perfect outfit for me that I could work in and look cute for my date. We then went to bed.

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