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We arrived in Hawaii, got our bags and hopped in a taxi to the hotel. We arrived at the hotel and were given flower necklaces and drinks in a coconut as we walked in, we got our key for the honeymoon suite and went up the elevator to the 5th floor and walked to room 522. We went in and found a big king size bed with rose petals in a heart and a towel folded into the shape of a swan. We had a sofa, a table and a tv in the same room. The bathroom had 2 sinks, a shower and a big bath and we had a nice balcony looking out at the sea.

We put our clothes into the wardrobe that was provided and then proceeded to make a video saying we would be off of social media for the week of our honeymoon. We had decided to go social media and phone free for our honeymoon and just spend some quality time together. We posted the video on all our platforms and then turned our phones off and placed them in the room safe with our passports and money and locked it.

We then slept as we were both tired. When we finally woke up it was late and we had missed dinner. We showered, changed and headed downstairs. We got drinks and ordered some chips from the bar and sat and listened to a singer that was there. Our chips arrived and we ate them. We had more drinks and went and danced on the dance floor. After a couple of hours, we headed back to our room, stuck a movie on and then went back to sleep.

The next day we changed and then went down for breakfast. We had food, went back to the room to grab beach stuff and then walked to the beach. We found some sun chairs, put our towels on them and sat down. We soaked up the sun and chilled. After a bit, we went into the sea and had fun together in it. We went back to our chairs and let the sun dry us as we chatted. We went and had lunch and then went back to our sun chairs on the beach.

3 hours later we went back up to our room, showered and changed into a nice dress for me and a shirt and jeans for Tyler. We left the hotel and went to a restaurant for dinner that night. We had a lovely meal. After we walked along the beach holding hands and being barefoot. We went back up to the room and made love for the first time as a married couple. After we laid in bed naked and I fell asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat and the up and down of his breathing.

We awoke the next morning and changed and went down for some breakfast. After we put on our swimwear (trunks for Tyler and a bikini for me) and then went and led by the pool. After catching the sun for a bit, we went into the pool and played catch with a beach ball. We then dried off. Had some lunch then went back up to the room and each showered and changed. We then had a wander about town and went to some shops. After a couple of hours, we went back to the hotel and relaxed. We had dinner and then spent the night in the bar watching a magician and a music artist. We then went up to bed and slept.

The next day we had to wake up early before the sunrise. We watched the sunrise as we were out on the boat. We got on snorkel equipment with 2 other couple and went Swimming with dolphins early in the morning. It was beautiful and was so surreal swimming beside them so early in the morning. After 1 hour we headed back to the mainland and the hotel. We had some breakfast and went back u to the room. We napped and then left the hotel and got into a taxi. We went to this zipline in the forest and went on the Zipwire. It was incredible zooming through the trees. After we had some food when we got back to the hotel and then got on a bus with a group of people. We went on a Volcano tour and it was interesting and beautiful. We watched the sunset over them and then when it was dark the lava of the volcano was so red and vibrant. We took pictures all day on a digital camera so we could remember the day. We then got dropped back at the hotel and we had some food outside as they were having a Luau and we sat and watched the entertainment. We then went back up to our room and I had a bath and he showered. Tyler did join me in the bath after he got out the shower and we just led there me on his chest and him hugging me. We talked and chilled. He then left and let me wash my hair. I then joined him in bed and we fell asleep.

We woke up early again the next morning and changed into walking stuff. We collected food from the reception and put in our bags. We then met up with a group and hopped on a bus. We drove to some hiking trails. We all hiked up a hill and watched the sunrise and all had some food. After the sun was up, we carried on walking through forests and beautiful scenery. We stopped at some picnic benches that looked out onto a waterfall for lunch. We then continued to walk and watched the sunset from another mountain. We all walked back to the bus and went back to the hotel. We had some food when we got back to the hotel and had some drinks before getting an early night because we were tired.

The next day we slept in for what felt like hours and woke up at 10. Today was sadly our last day in Hawaii. Tyler went and had a shower and I joined him. We had a make-out session in the shower for a bit before he left and let me shower. We changed, packed our bags. Got our phones out from the safe as well as our other valuables and put them into our carry-on cases. We did a sweep of the room and then left. We gave our key back to the reception and stored our bags with them. We had breakfast and then got a taxi to the original Hawaiian chocolate factory and had a tour and ate and bought chocolate. We went back to the hotel after, had some lunch and then got a taxi to a small airport where we had a helicopter island tour. It was beautiful seeing the volcanos, waterfalls and forests from the sky. We had an hour-long ride and then went back to the hotel after.

We collected our bags and headed for the airport. We checked in and then had some food while waiting for our flight. After a couple of hours, we were finally on the plane home. We watched movies on his laptop and I read my book while he slept. We finally arrived back at LAX and collected our bags. We got an uber back to our house and it was nice to be home.

They had cleaned up the house after the party but had left the flowers around the house which was nice. We sorted our suitcases out and put our clothes into the wash. We then sat on the sofa holding our phones. We turned them on and once we unlocked it our phones went crazy with notifications. I messaged my parents to tell them we were home and that I would talk to them about it later. I sent the same text in my group chat with the girls. We sat on the sofa for a couple of hours sorting our notifications out.

We then drove to the store and got some food. We cooked and ate dinner together. I then facetimed the girls and Tyler went to face time the boys. I told them about the whole beautiful experience in detail and they were all so jealous of me. After I hung up with them, I called my mum and chatted to her for a bit and then did the same with my dad.

By then it was dark and late so I went upstairs and got in bed. I was reading my book when Tyler came in. He undressed and got in next to me and kissed me cheek. I finished the chapter I was on and put my book on the bedside table. He put his phone down and we led cuddling in bed. I was happy. The happiest to be in his arms as his wife. We fell asleep me on his chest that night.

The next day we created a cute TikTok together showing we were back and married. We chilled together and relaxed. We had been emailed our pictures from the wedding and party so we sat and looked through them and they were so good. I looked beautiful in my dress and we both looked so happy.

2 day later I was back to work creating costumes for a new movie and Tyler was back to making TikTok's, posting on social media and seeing the guys. Life was back to normal but even better coming home to my husband every day. We took turns cooking and had our usual Sunday roast. It had become our own special thing as we would cook it together.

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