Weddings and an Engagement

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In May 2026 we went back to the UK for my brother's wedding to his long-term girlfriend. They had a beautiful ceremony and it was nice to be home for a couple of days and see my friends and family and I also got to meet my baby niece for the first time as my sister ad had a baby with her boyfriend. She was a couple of months old and so cute. Obviously, I went back for her baby shower and sent loads of gifts when she was born. It was nice as I got to see what Tyler would be like with a baby and he was so cute and good at it. Then in March 2027, we went back to the UK for my sister's wedding and again it was nice to see my family and friends again for a couple of days.

Then that same year on our 6-year anniversary we went back to the island where we first met. We went there to celebrate our birthday together. We had wondered about and had lunch in the cafe I had worked at and it was nice to see my old boss and he enjoyed seeing me again. We went back to the hotel and changed for a nice meal at a restaurant. I was wearing a cute red dress and high heel boots and Tyler was in a shirt with a jacket and some trousers. We had a lovely meal and walked out of the restaurant when

"Hey. Can you meet me at the island in 1 hour." Tyler said

"uh. Ok sure." I replied confused

"great." He replied before kissing me on the cheek and jogging off.

I stood there so confused. As I had 1 hour to kill, I decided to take a wander down the beach for 30 minutes. Then I took the ferry across to the island and wandered around there. I found the apartment that me and the girls had rented and saw the lights were on and I wondered if another set of girls had rented the apartment and were currently in their drinking and having fun together. I then got a boat and rowed to the island. I arrived tied the boat up and went around the corner.

I was met with a candlelit path. In the distance I saw a figure, I followed the path and after a bit, I was met with a candle heart and Tyler was stood in the middle smiling at me. He grabbed my hand and I stepped over the candles and into the heart.

"what is going on?" I asked smiling

I received no reply. He let go of my hand and knelt down on one knee and I knew what was going to happen

"Rose. Since the first day I saw you here I knew I loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?" he asked opening a ring box to reveal a small diamond ring that I found out was 18k. I cupped my hands over my face in surprise. I then removed then and smiled

"yes!" I shouted and he stood up and we hugged and kissed.

He placed the ring on my finger and we kissed again. Fireworks then started going off and we stood there in each other's arms watching them. We then want back to the mainland and I facetimed my mum, dad and friends to tell them the news. We enjoyed the rest of the weekend and then went back to LA.

All the boys knew when we got back as they all looked at us as soon as we walked in

"so?" Chris asked

"she said yes," Tyler announced to the house

They all congratulated us.

I was surprised they were able to keep it from me but they did. There was a photographer there that night and we had received the images when we got back to LA so we announced to all our fans that we were engaged. I got back to work when we were back and started to plan our wedding.

Tyler knew we needed to move out of the house with the guys and that was hard on him as he didn't want to move out but we needed to. We started looking and found a beautiful 4-bedroom house that was big and had a big garden. It may have been big for just the two of us now but hopefully, it won't seem like that forever. We moved into our own house 2 weeks before Christmas and decorated it for Christmas and his family came to us for Christmas.

We went to the UK for new years to spend it with my family and friends. The girls loved the look of my ring and were so happy for me. After new year's we went back to LA and both continued with work. We had planned a Cali wedding with his close family and my parents were flying over on the 17th July. We were going to have a small ceremony and a party after at our house. The next day we were going to the UK and having a celebration with my family and friends before going to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

My best friend in America who was also a costume designer offered to make my dress for me as she wasn't working on a project at the moment. I had my dress planned out since I was young so I told her what I wanted and she drew it and then got to start making it.

I finished my movie that I was working on mid-June and spent the rest of the time finishing prep for both parties and our wedding. My friends few over and did a surprise bachelorette part with me 3 weeks before my wedding and the boys did one with Tyler on the same day. They had invited my friends from LA and they all had matching pink t-shirts and I had a white one and a crown and sash. We first went to afternoon tea at a hotel and it was really nice. Very British which made me happy. We then went to a beautiful spar for a couple of hours. We then went back to my house where we got glammed up for the evening. We went out to a restaurant and started on the cocktails. After we headed to The Hollywood Men for a Magic Mike experience which was great. We drank, had fun and I enjoyed some freedom as you do. We somehow managed to get back to the house but woke up hungover badly the next day. We lounged around the house. Tyler came home, also hungover, to find us all on the sofa watching a movie together. My LA friends went home and the girls were staying for a couple more days.

I showed them around LA before they had to head back home 2 days later. It was great and I thanked them so much for the party and for them coming to LA.

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