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The winter semester was usual for all of us. Bryan posted our dance from over a year ago and tagged me in it and people liked it. I went home over Christmas as usual and had a great one. I had sent a package with presents in for the house again and me and Tyler facetimed on Christmas again and opened our presents from each other. I had decided to surprise Tyler and spend new year's with him and the boys. Again, I had organised it with Chris and their management. I hopped on the flight on the 30th for me and arrived on the 30th in the morning in LA because of the time zones. Chris picked me up from the airport again and we chatted and drove back to the house.

We walked in and Tyler was still asleep as it was pretty early so, I crept into his room, climbed on his bed and kissed his forehead and hugged him from behind

"Morning babe," I said

He stirred, opened his eyes and saw me and smiled

"what are you doing here?" he asked

"what do you think? I'm spending new years with you." I replied

"oh yeah ha." He replied, "come here." He said pulling back his duvet

I rolled over him, got under the covers and we hugged.

"nice surprise?" I asked

"the best." He replied

We hugged and he fell back asleep and I stayed in his arms feeling so safe and secure like I always did in his arms. He finally woke up again and smiled when he saw me

"I thought it was a dream that you were here." He said smiling at me

"well, it's not. I'm real and here." I replied

"I know and I'm glad. I have missed you." He said

"I have missed you too," I replied

We went to the kitchen for some lunch and I said hi to the others and we all had McDonald's for lunch as they had ordered in. We relaxed and did the usual and then on new year's we partied. They did a live and I was in it as well and even went live on my account. We had music and drinks and partied for 1 hour or so for their lives. We then put the New York ball drop on and watched and counted down together. We said happy new year and me and Tyler kissed. We partied a bit more and all slowly went off to bed. The next day I left and had to say goodbye to him again. He took me to the airport and as I only had a carry on went straight to the check-in. We hugged and kissed for a long time as usual and when we finally parted it wasn't as hard as it had usually been. Don't get me wrong it was hard but I knew I would be moving in with him in 5 months and that they would go fast and I would be back in LA in no time.

I went back to uni and the usual continued. I went home for Easter half term. I had only been home for a day when Tyler was stood at the door the next day and had surprised me. We chilled and spent the 2 weeks together before I went back to uni for my last semester and he went back to LA. I was ready to leave uni now and move to LA. I had an apprenticeship with the same costume designer for 1 year and then I was hoping to be doing my own work on movies, I was moving into the house with the boys. I couldn't wait. Yes, I would miss my family but I would visit them and I knew I needed to move to LA for my career. I would have anyway with or without Tyler it was just a bonus that I had Tyler.

I was then in my last lesson of the year finishing off my final piece. It was sad when me and the girls pack up the house. We all hugged goodbye and I told them to visit me whenever. We then all parted our ways home. I spent a couple of days at home before going to LA. I said bye to my family and was off to live in LA.

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