Goodbye LA

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I woke at 11 and Tyler was still asleep next to me. I needed a tea but I couldn't be asked to grab some clothes from my suitcase so I just put my underwear back on and grabbed a pair of Tyler's joggers that were hilariously big and long for me and his black champion hoodie jumper. I hoped no one would be in the kitchen but I was wrong.

I walked in to find Chris and Bryan in there.

"Morning," I said heading for the kettle and wanting to get out of there as soon as possible

"are they Tyler's clothes?" Chris asked me

"Possibly," I replied

I made my tea in double quick time and practically ran out of there not wanting any more questions. I walked back into his room to find him sitting up on his phone

"morning." He said as I walked in

"Morning," I replied I placed my tea on the bedside table

"are you wearing my clothes?" Tyler asked

"yeah," I said getting in bed and hugging him

"The joggers don't suit you." He said

"Yeah. They're a bit long." I replied

"Yeah. The hoodie, on the other hand, looks cute on you." He said

"Yeah, I like it," I replied

We chilled on our phones. He then changed and went downstairs and I showered and changed but stayed in his hoodie. I walked downstairs and found him in the kitchen. I went up to him and we hugged. The doorbell then went. They had ordered Wendy's for lunch so it was my first time having it and it was great. I sat down next to Tyler and we all ate our food and chatted.

I then went and chilled in his room and he filmed some TikTok's. We then cooked dinner, relaxed and then they went live and I watched Tyler's from his room. The next couple of days were relatively the same but we did make love again 2 days after doing it for the first time. Then it was my last full day being in LA. He took me back out to wander around Hollywood boulevard and we had some lunch out.

We popped into Target on the way back and got some food for dinner for all of us. We got back, chilled and then cooked together for everyone and all chatted and ate. We played cards against humanity again together before they went and got ready for their live. I sat on the island in the kitchen and watched as the boys were live. Tyler kept looking and smiling at me from time to time and I smiled back at him. After they finished their live and had all said bye me and Tyler went back to his room. We put a movie on but made love instead.

That night I led in his arms trying to saviour this moment, how it felt to be in his arms and what he smelled like. I fell asleep in his arms and then woke up at 11. I led in bed with him and then after a while said I should pack my things. I changed and then started packing my bags. While I was packing Tyler got up, changed and grabbed one of his hoodies (the champion one that I had been wearing for the last couple of days) and grabbed his cologne bottle

"what are you doing?" I asked

"what do you think? I don't want you leaving without one of my hoodies and I know you will want it to smell like me." He replied spraying the hoodie about 1000 times. He folded it up and placed it on top of my suitcase. I zipped it up and stood up. I hugged him in a big hug and he hugged me back and kissed me. I took my backpack and he took my suitcase and we put them by the front door. We walked into the kitchen to find some of the others in there. We ordered McDonald's for lunch. We chilled in one of the rooms eating food and talking. After our food was finished, we continued to chat and then we had to get going to the airport.

"bye," I said to Bryan hugging him

"bye." He replied

"bye," I said to Tristan hugging him

"bye. Have a safe flight." He replied

"bye," I said to Chris hugging him

"bye." He replied

"look after Tyler for me," I whispered in his ear

"will do." He whispered replied

I said bye and hugged the others and then we all went to the door.

"don't be strangers on social media," I said to all of them

I waved bye and then me and Tyler left on the way to LAX in his car. We parked up and he took my hand and suitcase. We walked in, checked my bag in and then went to where the queue began for the metal detector. I turned to face him

"I don't want to say goodbye," I said with tears pricking my eyes

"hey." He said stepping forward and placing his hands on my cheeks "it's not goodbye it's I'll see you soon. We'll facetime, message and talk all the time. We'll show people that long-distance relationships can work because I trust you." He said

"ok. I trust you too." I replied

I engulfed him a big hug and I didn't want to let go. He lifted my head up and we kissed for a good minute. We then let go and I picked up my bag and started to walk to the line. I then stopped dropped my stuff and ran back to him and jumped into his arms for one last hug wrapping my legs around his waist. He kissed me and then whispered go to me. He put me down but held hands, we parted our fingers lingering before we let go. I picked up my stuff paused for a second and then carried on and joined the queue.

I made it through and sat down. I texted him saying I missed him so much already and he replied the same. I listened to music, found my gate and got on the plane. I had the window seat again luckily but was at next to a stranger. I looked out the window as we lifted off and watched as the city disappeared.

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