The Date

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The next day I set off for work. I worked a couple of hours and then went on my lunch break. I walked to the dock and saw the ferry coming in. I waited and sure enough, Tyler came off the ferry noticed me and smiled and waved and I smiled and waved back to him.

"hey." He said when he walked up to me

"hey," I replied

"shall we?" he said motioning me forwards

"We shall." I replied smiling and we both giggled "so how come you're here?" I asked

"oh, there's a TikTok/ social media influencer event on the mainland." He replied

"oh, I think I saw a poster at the airport about that." I said

"yeah. Cool." He replied "I like your accent by the way." He added

"thank you, I like yours." I replied

"thank you." He said

We small talked while walking and found some cute place for some lunch. He was a gentleman and paid for our food and I did offer but he insisted on paying. We sat down at a table and waited for our toasties and chips. We chatted and got to know each other.

"so, I'm going to guess you're a fan." He said

"yeah. Was I that obvious?" I said

"yeah kinda. Ha." He replied

"well I'm sorry." I said

"what for?" he asked

"if it's weird that I'm a fan." I replied

"oh, don't worry it's not weird." He replied

"I actually applied for you and the boy's contest last year and this year." I said

"really?" he asked

"yeah. Obviously, I didn't win." I replied

"yeah. But fate brought us together anyway." He said

"yeah it did. It's funny I was trying to get your attention when I first found you." I said

"how come?" he asked

"because our birthday is on the same day." I replied

"no way. August 24th." He said

"yep. Haha." I replied

"that's so cool." He said

"Yeah, I know." I replied

We chatted some more and then our food arrived. We chatted while eating and then after went for a walk along the sidewalk by the beach and chatted. He walked me back to my work for 3 and said bye to each other. He asked if he could take me to dinner tomorrow night and I agreed. He said he wanted to take me out in the mainland so I said I would meet him at the dock on the mainland at 7.

I went back to work till 6 and then met my friends, we got some dinner and headed over on our rented boat to the island. We set up in our normal spot and ate our food and I told the girls about our date. It was the first time ever that I was able to talk to a guy I liked and we got on and it felt great. I also told them that he had asked me to dinner tomorrow and they said they would help me pick my outfit again that night. At 8 people started arriving again and I noticed Tyler arrive and we smiled at each other. At 9 we watched the fireworks and then 15 minutes later people started to leave. We stayed hanging on the island till 10 and then left for the apartment. We chilled for a bit and they helped me find an outfit for dinner before we then went to bed.

The Unexpected Trip (Tyler Schrage)Where stories live. Discover now