Summer 2022

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When I arrived, I went through customs as usual and then got my bag. I walked through arrivals looking for Tyler and then I spotted him holding some roses. He saw me and I saw him, I dropped my bags and ran to him and he did the same, we met halfway and we hugged. We then kissed. We then walked back to where I dumped my bags and got them and walked to his car. We got in and drove back to the house.

They were all in the kitchen when we arrived back so I said hi to all of them before we went to his room. We relaxed that weekend and did the usual. Then on Monday, I started my internship. He dropped me off that morning at the studios and was going to pick me up later. I walked in and met the costume designer I would be working for. She showed me about the sets and I even saw some famous people, of course, but it was awesome. We then went to the wardrobe set and she set me a task for the day.

The weeks were relatively the same. I worked from 9-5 every weekday, Tyler dropped me off and picked me up and we spent evenings and weekends together. We decided we would tell our fans on our 1-year anniversary about us but I did get a message from this very smart girl who was a fan of both of us who had worked it out and had given us the evidence. I was unsure on what to do because I had read it and if I left it on read she would assume she was right and tell people or think I was rude ignoring her, if I told her she was right she might expose us. I consulted Tyler and, in the end, we filmed a video for her telling her she was right and a great detective but if she could please keep it to herself and we would officially announce it soon. She agreed to keep it to herself which was great and she was proud of herself that she had figured it out.

Tyler surprised me 2 days before I was headed home that he was actually going to come back with me until the start my last year which was great. We left together for the first time on the 21st August after spending 6 weeks in LA. I had finished my internship and had learnt so much. The costume designer really liked me and said I could contact her in the future if I needed to.

He packed his bag and we said bye to the boys and his management. We got dropped at the airport and then checked out bags in. It was a nice feeling sat next to each other waiting for our flight. We boarded and watched movies the whole flight together. We arrived back in the UK. Got our bags and met my mum. She drove back to our house. It was his first time officially meeting my mum and it went ok.

I showed him around the house. He was staying in my brothers' old room. He wanted me to stay in there with him but at first, I wasn't sure but that night I did anyway. We had a nap because we were tired from the flight and then I showed him about my home town.

Then it was our birthday. We stayed up late again and said happy birthday to each other. We opened presents and my mum had even got something for Tyler which was nice. The two of us went out for lunch together and chilled and then went out for a meal with my mums' side of the family, he met my brother and the rest of the family for the first time and it seemed to go well. He posted on his Instagram the picture of us from 1 year ago and tagged me, I did the same and we both captioned it "happy 1-year bby, I love you so much. Wish we didn't live so far from each other." All the boys commented saying we were so cute and happy anniversary to us, obviously, Chris was like "so jealous that you not mine but I happy to share you with Rose." Most of his fans were nice about it but of course, there were some trying to put me down and were not happy about it but we just ignored them. The next day we went to my dad's and I got my gifts from them and his side of the family came over and we had a BBQ for lunch and everyone got on. We made a dance TikTok on mine and his account in the garden and tagged each other and specified BF and GF on TikTok for the people that don't follow mine or his Instagram.

That Saturday he met the hockey family which was the actual test. This is because 1 I love ice hockey and they are my unofficial family and 2 because my sister and hockey sister were protective over me and boys and they were meeting him for the first time. I had mentioned him to them after a couple of months and showed them pictures but they were meeting him for the first time and I knew if they approved of him that that was a good sign.

They were not very subtle because as soon as we walked into the pub that night, they started to interrogate him. They were not too happy with the 3-year age gap between us but it wasn't that bad of a gap so they were ok with it. After some food, drinks and chatting by the end of the night we were all laughing and everyone approved of him which was great.

On Monday I drove us to some tourist destinations. We went ice skating and went to the BBQ at the beginning of the season for the team introduction and even went to the first challenge game of the season together. We then went back to Bournemouth and had 2 weeks down there, which included freshers which were still fun to go out clubbing. I also had to work my usual 2 evenings and Saturday but it was ok, he didn't mind and he made TikTok's when I was gone and walked around Bournemouth by himself. He then left that weekend which as usual was sad. We checked his suitcase in and then we had to say goodbye again as always it was hard. We hugged and kissed and then I watched as he walked away.

The Unexpected Trip (Tyler Schrage)Where stories live. Discover now