The Wedding

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After months of preparation, it was finally our wedding day. He stayed at a hotel with his parents and I was in the house. They started decorating early and I had a shower. I had a stylist friend do my hair and makeup. I had my mum and dad with me in the house. I changed into my wedding dress and was ready to leave at 11.

My wedding dress was white, I had a sweetheart neckline with Swarovski crystals all over the bodice. I had a medium tool skirt and it was removable and I had a small tool skirt underneath and I was able to dance better in it. I had my mother's old blue necklace that she got as a wedding gift and I borrowed the veil from Tyler's mother.

Me and my parent went in a limo to the registry office. We waited in separate rooms and my mum went and saw them. We waited for a bit and at 11:30 it was time. My dad walked me into the room and down the aisle with me holding red roses.

I saw Tyler in a full suit stood at the end looking at me and smiling his biggest smile ever when he saw me. I reached the end and we held hands. There was a flower arch above us and flowers about the small room. The minister spoke for a bit and then it was time for our vows. Tyler went first

"Rose I love you so much and I feel so special to have found you. It might have been a coincidence that we met on that island but I believe it to be fate and that we are meant to be together our whole lives. To begin with, it was hard being long distance but I believe it has made us better and stronger as partners for it. We have always been there for each other and I will continue to be there for you and support you. I am so proud of what we have accomplished and I promise to make you proud of being my wife. You are my best friend and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Tyler, I have loved you since I was 18." I started and we both sniggered. I then composed myself and continued "and I will continue to love you till the day I die. I will be there for you no matter what. I will continue to support you as I know you will with me. We have been through so much together but we trusted one another and made it through and as a result, are strong. We have had good days and bad days but who hasn't, what matters is that we stayed by each other's side and worked through it. I promise to continue making TikTok's with you." Another snigger "and I promise to forever be by your side. On good days or bad days, rain or shine I will love you forever and I'm so excited to see where our journey takes us next." I finished

We exchanged rings and the minister said

"do you Tyler Christopher Schrage take Rose Louise Bennett to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He replied

"and do you Rose Louise Bennett take Tyler Christopher Schrage to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister then asked me

"I do," I replied. As we exchanged rings

"by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may now kiss the bride." The minister said and we kissed and our parents cheered and took lots of photos.

We walked out and hugged our parents who congratulated us. They got in a car together and we sat in the limo

"were married," I said

"I know. I'm so happy." He replied

"it's so surreal," I said

"yeah I know and I can't wait for what the future brings us." He replied

"I know, same here," I said

We then got on the road back to the house. We arrived and walked into it being decorated with white tool and blue tool. We had blue and white roses in vases about the house. It looked beautiful. All our friends cheered as we walked in being introduced and Mrs and Mr Schrage.

We had a photo shoot and then we all sat down around tables and had some food. After the tables were moved and everyone dance. We had picky food for dinner and then after we cut our beautiful 4-tiered cake that had two chocolate tiers and two red velvet with white flowers on top and piping around it and of course we put some in each other face. The cake got served in the late evening with drinks. We had a free bar all afternoon and evening and partied and had fun.

We had our first dance in my full wedding dress and then I took the skirt off and we partied. Eventually, everyone went home and we all slept. The next day, a bit hungover us and my parents hopped on a flight to the UK.

We arrived and my brother picked us up. We dropped my dad off first and then went back to my mums together. We then slept from the flight and time difference. We woke up and I hopped in the shower first and then was drying and curling my hair when he was in there. He came out and dried his hair as I put on my makeup. We both changed me into the bodice and small skirt from our wedding and him in shirt and trousers.

My mum had already left with her boyfriend. We got picked up in a blue campervan at 7 and went to the hall. I texted my mum when we got there and they announced us as Mrs & Mr Schrage as we walked in. We walked into red and white chiffon draped around the room and fairly lights hung up all over the room. There was a funny photo booth in a corner and a bar in the other. There were tables around the sides and a big dance floor with a DJ. We got some Champaign and we chatted to my family and friends and everyone congratulated us.

We then had a slow dance and then we all partied all night to the classics with everyone and had fun. We had a 3 tiered cake that was white with red piping on and red and white roses on top. We cut the cake and did the cute couple thing of eating sum and putting it in each other face. It was served with tea and coffee later in the evening. Throughout the evening people slowly left and at 3 anybody that was still their left.

We went back to my mums and slept. We woke up around 12 and had some food. We changed and then my friends came to my house to say bye to us and see us off for the airport for our honeymoon. My mum drove us to the airport and we checked in and board our flight a couple of hours later.

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