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The next day I worked till 3 and then said bye to my boss and got paid. I had food from the café and then went back to the apartment to pack. I packed and did steal some clothes from the girls that they said I would look good in. They gave me my presents from them to take with me and by 5:30 I was packed and ready to go. We hung for a bit and then the doorbell went and I answered to Tyler

"hey." He said

"hey," I replied and he came in and stood inside

"you better take care of her." Said Sarah

"and if you hurt her, we will hurt you." Said Kelly

"ok thanks guys." I said

We all giggled and then I hugged and said bye to them. Tyler took my suitcase and we left the apartment and went downstairs. When outside he took my hand and we walked but not towards the ferry. We went to a boat and we went to the island. We got there and he helped me out of the boat, leaving my suitcase in it. We walked hand in hand to the stairs and sat down and just sat in silence looking out at the sea. After a bit, he turned to me and I did the same and smiled at him. We locked eyes my blue ones looking into his blue/hazel ones and then he lent in and we kissed. My first kiss. We parted and looked in each other's eyes and smiled at each other. We then kissed again and full-on made out. After what felt like years we parted 

"can we take it slow?" I asked

"of course. Whenever you're ready." he replied 

We left the island and walked towards the ferry and got on. We then sat on the ferry holding hands and talking and went back to the mainland.

We arrived and got a taxi to his hotel. We went up to the room and put my suitcase in there. We then left and went out for dinner. We walked about on the beech after dinner before we headed back to the hotel. We arrived back and I went and changed into sweats and a hoodie in the bathroom and he changed into the same in the room. We put a movie on his laptop and got into either side of the bed. I went on the side furthest from the window. He could tell I was nervous so we just both stayed our side of the laptop. After the movie, I turned to face the wall, put my headphones in and scrolled on my phone for a bit. I then put it on charge and slept.

The next morning, I changed in the bathroom and packet my case up and he did the same. We went downstairs and we had some breakfast and then gave the key in. We got a taxi to the airport, checked our bags in and then just sat and waited talking for when we could find out the gate we would be boarding at.

We got on the plane and we had the window seat so I sat there and we were off on our way to LA. After a long flight of watching movies and reading, we had finally landed at LAX. We passed through customs and got our bags. We walked outside and found Bryan waiting for us in his car. He got out and said hi to us. We put our bags in the boot and got in. He drove us to the house and we all talked on the way and got on. He parked up and we had arrived at the house and it was beautiful, even more so in real life than I had seen in pics and videos. Bryan went in first, then Tyler and I followed after. I followed Tyler and he put his bag by the stairs so I did the same.

We found the boys in the kitchen

"Hey, guys." He said

"hey." They chorused back

"ok so this is Rose." He said

"hi." I said

"Rose this is Tristan, Chris, Darius and Dayne and these are our managers Heidi and Zach." He introduced then all to me (pointing out who was who. Obviously, I knew each of them but I still went with him smiling at each of them)

He then took me on a tour of the downstairs and garden. We then grabbed our bags and he showed me upstairs. We peeked into each of their room and then got to his. As we got closer, I turned around and noticed Tristan there with his phone out. He put a finger to his lip. I stepped back and Tyler opened his door to reveal a tone of balloons and plastic balls. He turned to Tyler filming and laughing. He laughed and went in and Tyler followed.

"did you all do this?" Tyler asked Tristan

"Yeah. You haven't even seen the best part." He said. Tyler looked at him confused "look at your wall." He said

He got to a patch of the wall and he found A4 pictures of each of the boys and laughed.

"you all wait till I get you back." He said. Tyler then stopped filming. "sorry about this." Tyler said to me

"it's ok. It pretty funny actually." I said laughing

"Yeah. I guess we better clean up." He said

We ran downstairs and grabbed some knives and came back up we started popping the balloons and putting the balls into a bag and taking the pictures down.

"We could give these pictures to the fans." I said

"yeah good idea, maybe I could even get the boys to sign their face." He added

I snuck one of Tyler into my bag. After we had cleaned up, I could finally see his bedroom. He had a nice room with a double bed. I placed my bag on the floor and asked if I could shower. He said that was fine and showed me the 2 bathrooms and how to put the shower on. I grabbed some clothes and showered and changed. I walked back to the room and found him led on his bed on his phone.

"all good?" he asked

"Yeah. You don't by any chance have a hairdryer?" I asked

"I don't but one of the others might. I'll go look." He said and left. He came back a few minutes later with a hairdryer "here its Heidi's." he said handing it to me

"Thanks," I replied and sat on the floor in front of his mirror and dried my hair.

We then went downstairs and I chatted with the boys and Heidi and we all got on pretty good. That night we ordered in pizza and all chilled together. They then all went live at 10 and I just chilled in Tyler's room., after 2 hours he came up as he wasn't doing the red room tonight and we started a movie but I fell asleep 30 minutes into it due to jet lag.

The Unexpected Trip (Tyler Schrage)Where stories live. Discover now