Partner in Crime

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Logan Bright

The name was on every sheet that Patton scanned through. He was standing in an office, the lights were dimmed and he was told to be here at exactly five pm, sharp. He didn't know what he was supposed to do, or where he was for that matter.

There was a quick knock on the door before it opened. In came a tall man, he wore a long sleeve, dark blue, button up shirt - a black vest over top. A tie was centered on his chest, glasses perched on his nose and his hair perfectly swooped to the left and he had a sharp jawline that Patton couldn't just ignore. He was not smiling. His mouth was in a thin line as he examined Patton.

Patton was much smaller than Logan had expected, he looked too innocent, too pure for the job. He scanned him from top to bottom. He was wearing a light blue sweater that just barely covered his hands and dark blue jeans. His face was rounder, softer. His eyes shined a bright blue and his hair was mussed up, his freckles bothered Logan. Everything about the man in front of him, bothered him. He did not seem right for this job.

"Logan Bright?" Patton asked, only getting a nod in return. "I'm Patton Sanders! It's a pleasure to meet you." Patton walked closer to him, sticking his hand out, waiting for Logan to shake it.

"It's...a pleasure to meet you too." He shook Patton's hand rushed manner. He quickly took his hand back, clasping his hands behind his back while giving Patton another once over.

"Are you ready to leave?" Logan tightened his wrist watch, glancing up at Patton when he didn't get a response.

"If you are to work for me you need to learn to talk once spoken too. Am I understood?" Patton nodded

"Yes, sir. Sorry. May I ask where we are going?" He asked, walking, out of the office with Logan.

He did not get a response.


Patton was sitting in the passenger side of Logan's car. He could tell that it was expensive. Anyone could tell just by looking out the exterior. He was afraid of breaking something or touching anything. Logan gave him the impression that he would definitely regret breaking anything in his car.

Logan scared him.

Patton fidgeted with his seatbelts, looking out the tinted window as they took a turn. The further they drove the more the sunset. They had been driving for at least an hour or two. The more turns they took, the darker and sketchier the streets became. He couldn't help but close in on himself.

"We're almost there. I expect you to stay quiet and stay by my side. You must not step out of line." Logan warned him, taking one more turn before parking his car. Patton gave a quick nod.

"Good. Now, for your own safety I need you to take this." He opened up the middle console and grabbed an item. Patton's eyes widened once he caught sight of the object.

"A gun?!" He exclaimed, regretting going along with him.

"Yes. Do you have any experience with one?"

"Yeah...but I haven't used one in years." He glanced up from the gun to Logan.

"Alright." Logan held the gun out in front of him.

"Make sure you hold like this, keep your finger off of the trigger at all times. You only move your finger to the trigger if you are about to shoot. Understood?"

He nodded quickly.

"Good. Now, to load the gun," Logan cocked it, the clicking sound was satisfying to Patton. "You do that. I'd normally inform you to keep it on safety. But, considering what's about to happen, I ask you to keep it off."

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