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Patton sped up, attempting to catch up with Logan who was on his way to his room. He was more than likely going to start working again. Patton reached out and lightly grabbed at the hem of Logan's shirt - that got his attention.

Logan sighed, annoyance in his voice. He spun around, looking Patton up and down, and then rolled his eyes at the man in front of him.
"You're wasting my time, and your own." His voice was snappy, but it didn't bother Patton all too much, after all he was used to it. As Patton opened his mouth to say something, Logan walked off.

Patton watched him leave, smirking as Logan disappeared behind his bedroom door. He walked over and gave a quick knock. He'd win this challenge, whether Logan agreed or not.


As dinner rolled around, the house began to fill up with more laughter and conversations. No one, except Logan, was secluded in their rooms anymore and Patton loved this time of day, when everyone else left their caves and actually talked to one another. Patton leaned against the counter, waiting a few minutes for the oven to ding. He looked at the table and smiled softly at the four in front of him. Remus had actually managed to make Janus laugh and Roman was - unintentionally - flustering the heck out of Virgil.

Patton looked around the table, noticing something was off. He did a once over and noticed that they were missing a person - his favorite person. He walked over to the others and gently patted Janus' shoulders to gain his attention.

"Hey, Imma go check on Lo, can you get the biscuits out of the oven for me?"

Janus looked up at Patton, smiling softly.

"Yeah, I'll listen out for the oven, Pat."
"Thank you!"

Patton walked out of the kitchen, a smile on his face as he made his way over to Logan's room. Once at the door, he walked in, not bothering to knock. Logan was sitting at his desk, Patton could hear his sigh but didn't care much.

"How many times have I told you to knock before entering my room, Patton." Logan hadn't bothered to turn around or even stop working.
"I dunno. A lot of times I suppose."
"You need to follow that rule if you want to keep coming into my room."
"That's not true."

Patton walked over to Logan, sitting on the top of the desk so he knew he'd have Logan's attention.

"You say it all the time, however, you never enforce that rule. So I don't bother knocking." The smile on Patton's face was sickly sweet, at least that's what Logan thought.
"You're going to regret doing that one of these days."
"And why is that?"
"You could walk in on me doing something you don't want to see."

Patton tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Like what?"
"I could be in the process of getting changed."
"I wouldn't mind seeing that." Patton shrugged, watching Logan's hand pause for a second, only to continue writing seconds later.
"You're odd." Logan kept his eyes fixed on the paper, his writing becoming messier as he wrote faster.
"As are you, but I don't say anything about it."
"How am I odd?"

Logan looked up, gently setting his pen down on the desk. He was slightly taken about by the lack of a smile on Patton's face. He hadn't been looking at Logan - his attention being set on the floor.

"I dunno."

Another sigh escaped Logan's mouth. "Was there something you needed? Or did you just want to interrupt my work."
"Dinner's ready, Lo."
"I was told that earlier. I made the choice of not going down."
"Why? You need to eat just as much as the rest of us do."
"That may be true, but I do not have enough patience to deal with all five of you at the moment."
"And why's that?"
"Because they're idiots?"
"Logan. That's not nice."
"Since when do I care if something is nice or not?"
"Well. You should. You could hurt someone's feelings."

Sander Sides One Shots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now