Accidental Kiss

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Logan walked out of his room, readjusting his tie and closing his bedroom door with a soft click. He saw Roman walking down the hall and assumed they were going to the same place - the kitchen. He waved him good morning and began walking once Roman was next to him.

"Morning teach." Logan rolled his eyes but smiled fondly, knowing the nickname was Roman's way of showing his platonic affection. The two made small talk, nothing too important to add into the story. Once in the kitchen doorway, they stopped, seeing Patton bustling over by the stove, cooking breakfast, and Virgil was sat at the table, scrolling through his phone, looking up when he heard the other two walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, love." Logan smiled softly when he saw Patton turning around - finally being able to see his face. His cheeks were a bright red from the heat coming from the oven and he wore a light blue bandanna to keep his hair out of his face and out of the food. He carried two plates in his hands and he walked over to the table, lacing the plates down and turning back around, stopping for a quick second to greet the others. He stood on his tippy toes and gave who he thought was Logan, a peck to the lips. He was fast on his feet and began to walk back over to the stove to grab the other two plates. He noticed the silence in the room and looked around once he was in front of the others. He noticed the weird, clouded look in Logan's eyes and the smile that Roman wasn't wearing. He looked over to Virgil who had wide eyes, his fork midair as he stared in their direction. Patton licked his lips, turning back over to Logan.

"Logan, you're lips are a little dry, you put some chap stick on or something..." 
"Pardon me? My lips are not chapped!" 
Patton tilted his head to the side slightly, turning his attention to Roman.

"How would I know?" 

"You just kissed him. To be honest it was...odd to see you kissing someone else after getting so used to you kissing me." Logan straightened his tie once more, walking passed Patton and sitting down at the table. 

"Wha-? No I didn't" Patton looked from person to person in the room, turning back to Roman. he paused for a second, the gears in his head turning and his cheeks burned bright red when it finally clicked.

"Oh dear God...did I kiss - Oh no." Patton turned over to Logan, quickly rushing over to the table and setting the plates down in their designated spots, he wiped his hands off on his apron and sat down next to Logan. He tried to get Logan's attention but he simply wouldn't look at him.
"Logan, Logan I am so so so sorry! I didn't mean to! I was trying to get everything set and I got distracted and - I'm sorry, Lo!" Patton's eyes began to water, and Logan could tell his boyfriend was on the verge of crying just by the quiver in his voice.  He sighed, turning towards Patton.
"We will discuss this after breakfast, Patton." 

Breakfast went on silently, Roman tried to make conversation with Virgil, but Virgil was refusing to talk to him. He had quickly finished breakfast and dropped his fork dramatically. He was the first to leave the table. Roman following seconds later to figure out what was wrong with his boyfriend. 

Patton watched them leave, turning his attention back onto Logan.
"Lo, it really was an accident-"
"I know, Patton. I was just trying to clear my head before I spoke to. Let's go to my room." Logan gently set his fork down, pushing his chair in. He stood behind it and waited for Patton to stand up.

Patton was on his feet in a matter of seconds, looking up at Logan with glassy eyes quickly turned in the direction of the hallway, walking to Logan's room and trusting that he would follow after him. 

Logan sighed, abandoning the plates on the table and made his way to his room. He shut the door behind him and looked at Patton with kind eyes.


"What did I do? Why're you so pissed?"

Virgil scoffed, crossing his arms and walking up to Roman. He kept his tears from falling by feigning anger.
"You let him kiss you! You were perfectly fine with it! You didn't push him away...why didn't you push him away?"

"I didn't push him away because the kiss didn't last but a second-"
"That's not an excuse!"
"Would you let me finish?" 

Virgil fell silent, glancing down at the floor, guilt over taking him for a moment. 
"It was a quick peck to the lips, Virgil. It didn't mean anything and it was a simple accident. I had nothing to do with the matter and I wouldn't ever kiss someone else on purpose."


"No, but nothing. Anything that you're worried about, whether it be me leaving you or liking Patton more than you, it's wrong. I love you and that's that. Okay?" Roman kissed the top of Virgil's head. Making sure he got his point across. Virgil nodded meekly, wrapping his arms around Roman and leaning his head on Roman's chest. 


Logan pushed himself off the door, walking towards Patton, not stopping until Patton had backed into the wall opposite of the bedroom door.
"I am going to ask you one question. And I want you to answer honestly, love." 

Patton nodded quickly, he was looking up through his lashes at Logan and was giving him the best puppy eyes he could manage.

"Did you intentionally kiss Roman?" 

The room fell silent. Patton frowned slightly, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
"Do you really-" Patton scoffed, crossing his arms and and looking off to the side. His eyes glassed over and he had no control over whether or not the tears fell. "I would never intentionally kiss Roman. You know I love you, and you onl-" 

Patton was cut off with a kiss. Logan couldn't keep himself from kissing him. He had wanted to since he saw him kiss Roman. He didn't know if it were some sort of jealous feeling or just possessiveness. But he did not like the idea of Patton kissing anyone other than him. 

Logan kept one hand against the wall, keeping Patton pinned between himself and the wall. He placed his other hand on Patton's hip. He had to pull away to allow Patton to breath, and he couldn't help but smirk at the sight in front of him. Patton's eyes were wide and his cheeks were flushed. However, it was obvious that Patton had, indeed, enjoyed the kiss.

"That was...different." Patton finally spoke up, his voice was soft and timid. 
"Good or bad different, love?" 
"Good, that was definitely good." He looked off to the side, finding it hard to keep eye contact while being so flustered. 

Logan pushed his lips back against Patton's, deepening the kiss just slightly. Patton hummed softly into the kiss, his hands entangled in Logan's hair as he let himself be kissed. 

"I love you, and I don't ever, want to see you be kiss by someone else." Patton nodded, letting Logan know that he was sorry and completely understood.
"I love you, too." 


~Happy Quarantine!!

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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