Partners in Crime(Part 2)

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Logan groaned, running a hand down his face. He scanned the faces around the table. They all wore smiles. They were too much to handle right now. He didn't have the time of day for it.

He pushed his chair back, resting the tips of his fingers on the table. Clearing his throat, he looked back up. All eyes were on him.

"Listen. It's been a very long day - for some of us - and I am fed up with most people in this room. So I am leaving the meeting earlier than I intended. I expect notes from today's meeting on my desk by 11:59pm. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone in the room cleared the smiles from their faces, waiting for the door to shut before they made any new movements.

Logan paused at the door, looking over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing to one person.

"Patton. Let's go." Logan didn't give him the time of day to answer him. He simply waited at the door until Patton's shuffling stopped and his chair was thrown back. He began walking once Patton was mere inches away from the door.

"Where're we going, sir?" He shifted the papers in his hands, trying his best to keep them from falling.

"My office."

Patton knew better than to continue talking while out in the halls. He normally kept to one word sentences when around anyone. Logan didn't seem too keen on the idea of his employees working up the nerve to talk to him after seeing someone else do it.

Logan held the door open, waiting for Patton to step in before quietly shutting it behind him. He watched Patton with amusement as he tried to neatly set the papers down. Eventually, he couldn't take it and took the papers out of Patton's hands.

"You know, you really need to start wearing the proper attire if you're going to continue working here."

"Yeah, like you'd fire me because of what I'm wearing." Patton rolled his eyes. He had grown to learn just how much Logan liked having him around, he'd also learned that he could say whatever he wanted to Logan and he wouldn't get fired, unlike every other employee.

"You have a soft spot for me and we both know it." Patton pulled at the collar of his dark-blue sweater. It was beginning to get hot and he knew he'd have to start wearing something other than sweaters to work.

"I suppose you could say that." He walked over to his desk. Sitting in his chair while Patton planted himself on his desk. He sat criss-cross and watched Logan fumble around with something in his drawer.

"Whatcha got there?"

Logan flicked his lighter on, holding a joint between two fingers. He smirked, his eyes fixed on Patton. As soon as the joint was lit, Logan gently set the lighter down. He took a drag from the blunt. Bringing the joint away from his lips, he blew the smoke into Patton's face.

"I've had a stressful day." He answered Patton's questioning gaze.

"You want?" He held it out to Patton, he was hesitant at first, waving Logan's offer off the first time. He watched as Logan's eyes slowly became redder. How he loosened his tie. How he overall looked more relaxed.

"You sure, Patty?" He blew another puff of smoke into Patton's face, surprised when Patton leaned on the edge of the desk, he grabbed the cigarette from Logan's fingers and put them in his own. He brought it up to his lips. The back of his throat burned in the process but he could care less. He held it for a moment before blowing the smoke into Logan's face. He coughed, making sure to cover his mouth, and smiled when he heard Logan laughing at him.

Logan laughed, taking the blunt back into his hold. He wasn't used to Patton taking him up on his offers. Whether that offer be inviting him to eat dinner with him or practice shooting down the street at some target place. He never seemed all too interested in the things that Logan had to offer. Let alone weed. He had a kid back at his house and he knew, just as well as Patton, that his son could probably tell if he went home high.

"You should probably stay at work a little later than normal." Logan continued to smoke, not minding whenever Patton took it from him and took another drag. The room had grown cloudy and if anyone were to walk in it'd be obvious to tell that they were smoking weed from the smell alone.

"Maybe I should." He winked, leaning closer to Logan, stopping about an inch away. Logan blew the last bit of smoke into Patton's face before dropping the remains of the joint into an ashtray.

"Maybe you should."

Before anything else could be said, Patton's phone went off. He knew by the MCR ringtone that his son was calling.

"Shoot, where's my phone?" Patton rummaged through his pockets, trying his best to find his cell phone. He was stopped by Logan. He was holding his phone in front of Patton, how he had gotten his hands on it, Patton had no clue.

"Hello? Dad?" Patton started to cough a bit violently, trying to clear his throat to talk to his son.

"Virge? Hey Kiddo, what's up? Are you hurt?"

"What? No, are you okay? You sound sick, maybe you should come home..."

"I can't kiddo, you know that. I actually have to stay a bit later tonight. No more than an hour, but still later."

"Oh...okay. Do you care if I invite someone over?"

"Invite someone over...You made a friend?! Of course they can come over! I can't wait to meet them!"

Patton was pacing the room, a smile on his face while he listened to his son ramble. He was brought back to reality when he saw Logan standing in front of him, his arms were crossed and he seemed to be growing a bit impatient with him.

"We met in theater. He's one of the first Sophomore's to get their driver's license and-"

Patton zoned out of the conversation with Virgil, his eyes focused on Logan. He had started to come to the realization that he was trapped against the wall.

"He's kinda annoying...he wears a lot of red and is super enthusiastic. I'm sure you'll love him he's-"

Logan raised a brow, waiting for the conversation to come to an end. His patience was running short.
"He's kinda really tall for just being sixteen but-"

Logan took the phone in his hands, holding it up to his ear and smiling when he heard Patton's son rambling.

"I apologize to cut this conversation short. But your father must be getting back to work. Have a nice night, Virgil."
The phone clicked off and was returned into Patton's hands.

"Now. We don't have anywhere else to go. We've already taken care of our business today. I suggest we take your last hour and a half and stay in my office."

"If you say so." Patton ran his hands over Logan's chest, stopping on his stomach and giving him a soft shove to get him away from him.

Patton walked over to Logan's desk, sitting in his boss' chair and spinning around twice before stopping the chair. He started to giggle softly, twirling once again. And then once more. And then again. He laughed again, looking up at the ceiling as he continued to spin. Logan sighed, walking over to the chair and stopping it by grabbing onto the armrest. He watched Patton laugh for another minute - until he stopped.

"Alright. I've come to the realization that you are the giggly-type when high. I am not having that. This is the last time I let you smoke with me. Understood?"

"Aww! C'mon Lo. It makes me feel like I'm flying. Like I'm flying high in the sky!" His giggles started all over again.

"Enough is enough. Quit laughing before I-"

"Before you what? Fire me~?"

"I'll do something."

Patton chuckled, sitting up in the chair and leaning close to Logan.

"No you won't."


This is kinda a part two to the last chapter, I kinda wanna make it into it's own book but seeing how I haven't finished my last book I don't know if I should.

~Happy Quarantine!!

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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