No Fun

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Virgil wandered into the kitchen, running a hand down his face in aggravation. He was so tired of dealing with his over whelming thoughts. He hopped on the counter and opened the top cabinet and grabbed the wine that he hidden up there to keep away from Patton. He stayed atop the counter, taking the bottle cap off with ease and taking a quick sip from it, his nose scrunched up at the sourness that the grape flavor left in his mouth. He decided to ignore it.

It didn't take him but five minutes to down the remains of the bottle. He saw Roman coming into the kitchen and hie smiled to himself, hopping off of the counter - stumbling a bit - and stopped in front of Roman. He got a confused look from Roman, but he simply stood there, giggling softly to himself. 

"Virgil? Are you feeling alright?" Roman placed the back of his hand over Virgil's forehead, feeling for a temperature. He didn't have one but Roman still looked worried. 
Virgil didn't respond, instead, he began walking forwards, causing Roman to walk back. Eventually, the back of Roman's knees hit the back of the couch, causing him to fall back and sit on the couch. He stared at Virgil with wide eyes. Watching as Virgil crawled onto his lap, he still wore that mischievous smile, his cheeks were pink, whether from the embarrassment or alcohol - Virgil did not know. 

Virgil went in for a kiss, getting a little annoyed when Roman didn't kiss him back. He pulled away, panting softly as he moved down to Roman's neck, placing light kisses against his skin.

Roman pushed him away, taking his wrist in his hands and holding them against Virgil's sides. 
"What the hell has gotten into you?" 
"Roman, c'mon, just kiss me back." Virgil got his hands free - Roman didn't have a very tight grasp at the moment - and draped his arms over Roman's shoulders, pushing his lips against Roman's again, humming softly has he rolled his hips, trying to get Roman to just kiss him. But nothing worked, Roman pushed him away once again, earning a small whine from Virgil.
He kept his hands on Virgil's waist, keeping a firm grip to keep Virgil from rolling his hips again.

"Virgil, you taste like alcohol, you're obviously not in the right state of mind and I know you'll regret this as soon as you're sober. So quit trying to kiss me." 
"But Roman-"

Virgil pouted, pulling away from Roman and crossing his arms.
"You're no fun."
"You want fun? Go to Patton, he'll play some video game with you." 
"That's not the kind of fun I wanted." His pout turned into a glare. Roman simply rolled his eyes, sitting up straight, he wasn't a fan of slouching. 
"Why did you go for me then?" 
"You're the romantic side, I assumed you'd be willing to have sex with me." 
"You're drunk." 
"But that's the only time I'll even have enough confidence to make a move." 
"You know I'm dating Patton."

Roman sighed, taking his hands off Virgil's hips and crossed his arms over his chest as well. He looked Virgil over, realizing Virgil had stripped himself of his jacket sometime ago while he was sat on his lap - considering that it was on the floor behind him. His shirt was lifted up, he was obviously in the process of taking it off. Roman pulled the shirt down, covering Virgil's pale skin. He earned another pout from Virgil - who finally realized Roman was being serious. 
Virgil reached down and slid his jacket back on, laying his head on Roman's shoulder. He mumbled a soft 'whatever' and let his eyes fall closed. The wine was getting to him and he felt completely drained. Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil, pulling him closer to keep him from falling off.  

Roman had heard something coming from the hall, he turned his attention towards the hallway and felt his heart drop when he saw Patton.


Patton watched Virgil walk out of his room from his open door, he heard Virgil's door slam shut and watched as he made his way towards the common room. He was trying his best to finish up his work so he could check on his kiddo. He turned his attention away from his bedroom door and looked back over to his computer, typing a few more things. He scrolled through the document Logan had shared with him earlier that day. He added a few notes for Logan to look over, it only took him a few minutes. He pushed himself away from his desk and wandered into the common room, freezing at the end of the hall way when he saw Virgil on his boyfriend's lap, kissing the side of his neck and pulling away, only to kiss him on the lips. 

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