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 The sun rose in the east as the birds pitched on their branches and sang happily to wake the townsfolk. A servant pushed open a large double-wide door and hurried over to the balcony doors, throwing back the curtains and pushing the heavy glass doors open, the sunlight spilling into the room as the prince groaned and pulled the comforter over himself.
"Prince Roman!" She cheered, running over to the bed and pulling the comforters to the foot of the bed, the prince, letting out another groan, sat up. He gave her an unimpressed look before rolling his eyes, stretching his arms up, his silk pajamas rising and falling with his arms. He looked out his window and sighed, his attention being grabbed by the sounds of voices in the hall, those voices soon having faces as people flooded into his room.
"Prince Roman! Good morning, breakfast is being cooked as we speak. We should head down to the..."
"Sir, we have lots to do today, you need to be up and ready in approximately..."
"-the neighboring prince is-"
Voice after voice filled his head, he was tired of it all. He did not want to listen to this for the entirety of his life.

Roman pushed his hair out of his face, throwing his legs over the side of his mattress and pushing himself off, looking at the group of servants that worked in the castle. They all stopped talking as their eyes followed his every movement.
"I am aware of all the plans for today. Please leave so I can prepare for the day." He got a few silent nods and a few "okay"s before everyone left the room, the first lady being the last to leave, shutting the door with a soft click. With a few quick strides, he was in front of his closet. He scanned the countless amount of clothes, pushing past all the fancy garments his father had gifted him. His eyes cough a particular outfit of his, one he only wore out into the public town to prevent catching a commoners eye. He glanced towards his bedroom door, shaking his head to dismiss his worry and immediately grabbed his commoners clothes and changed into them, looking into the mirror and scanning his outfit, his bright red t-shirt, the hem being a golden yellow, his eyes moving down to his cuffed jeans and combat boots, he threw on a sage green jacket for good measure. He pushed his bangs out of his face only to have them fall back over his face. Walking over to the balcony - closing the doors behind them - he pulled himself up and over the ledge, looking down at the ground, he was about three stories high. His eyes followed a tree from the roots up, a smug look on his face as he came face to face with a branch. Pulling himself up, he slowly but surely made it to the ground unscaved.

A quick fifteen minute walk later and he was in town, the townspeople buzzing about. It was a Saturday morning afterall, all the markets were up. A smile lit up his face, he continued walking about, buying himself a scone to make for a quick breakfast. He made his way up the path that led to the forest, wanting some time alone to himself - as much as he loved seeing the townsfolk today was not the day.

He stopped at the front of the forest. He had never actually been allowed past the town, his father was very strict on not allowing him out of his sight. Roman didn't care at this point. He was fed up with everything that comes along with the Prince title. He was sick of it. Could no longer take it. He shook his head once more, taking a step onto the path that led into the forest. One step after the other. Pushed back his doubtful thoughts and continued on. The sun dimmed as the leaves arched over him, the soft sound of frogs croaking and birds chirping calmed his thoughts.
An hour later, he was standing in front of a river, he walked over a bridge and stood in the center, leaning over the railing and smiling back at his reflection.

Roman's head snapped up at the sound of footsteps, they were soft but there nonetheless, he watched closely, his guard up. As they seemed to get closer, Roman leaned his back against the railing as he kept his eyes on the trail. Eventually a short, darkly dressed man walked forwards, hands in his pant pockets and his hair resting over his eyes.

Roman called out, catching the person off guard.

"Yes you. You're an idiot."
"Pardon me?"
"Got the whole town looking for you. Too loud."
Roman didn't respond, instead he groaned, having to try and figure out how to get back to the castle without getting caught. He began to zone out, going over every possible way to get home but no cigar, every way would lead him right into town or to the front of the castle. He mumbled a few choice words under his breath as he slid against the railing, letting himself fall to the ground.
Roman's head snapped up, glaring at the man. Not being used to being addressed by anything other than 'Prince Roman' or 'your highness'. After the adrenaline settled and he as more aware of his surroundings, he was aware of the fact that the person in front of him was an old friend from childhood.
"Do you want to head back? I know a way.."
"I can't be seen. The citizens and the guards will all swarm towards me. Father will not be so pleased."
"No, I know. I know a way around."
"A way around?"
"Mhm." Virgil stood in front of Roman, holding out a hand to the Prince. "Let's go Prince Charming."
"Don't call me that."
With a quick eye roll, Virgil pulled him up. Making their way towards the trail back into town before Virgil took Roman by the hand and pulled him to the right and off the trail. The further they went the darker the woods appeared. The birds began to chirp less as they went farther and farther. The wind blew past them without hesitation, Virgil never let go of Roman as he wanted to make sure he didn't get left behind. They could hear everyone in town losing their minds as it had appeared that the Prince had gone missing.
Steadily, the two made their way, no words were shared between them in fear that they might be heard talking from the town. Virgil seemed to know the woods like the back of his hand, he helped guide Roman back to the castle, smiling at each other as they stumbled over a few things.
A while later, and the two stood in front of the very same tree that Roman had climbed down early this morning.
He'd make sure to tell at least one of the servants he was sneaking out and make up a lie next time he left. He wouldn't want another problem like this to happen - again.

"Where are you going?"

Virgil had been about ready to trek back through the woods, he had already turned around and taken a few steps away. "Home?""Nonsense, stay for breakfast."


~Have An Amazing Day!!

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