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"Logan, no." 

"Yes. You are in charge of the other sides. Just for one night." 

Janus crossed his arms over his chest, looking over at Logan - who was sat on the couch with a glass of wine. It had just stuck midnight, the others were all asleep, which is what led Logan to spring new information on him. 

He moved over to the couch and sat down, shaking his head in disagreement. 
"I am not babysitting." 
"Yes you are. I watch them every day and put them to sleep. You can watch them for one day so I can have one - just one- day where I am not stressed out." 

"No. I've already told them that they get to spend the day with you and the twins are overjoyed. Goodnight." Logan finished off his glass wine and set it on a coaster. He stood up and walked off.


Logan pushed open Janus' bedroom door. A toddler on his hip and a smile on his face, glad to finally get a free day. 
"Get out of bed, Janus. I'm leaving in an hour and you must be ready." 
"Up!" Patton cheered, leaning his head on Logan's chest and smiling brightly at Janus.
"Up Janny!"

Patton's giggle filled the room as Janus rolled out of bed. His hair was mussed up and his expression not too pleased. He walked over to Logan and began closing the door.
"I will be out in a moment." 

And that he was. A few minutes later he walked out of his room with a yellow t-shirt on and dark jeans. The kitchen was filled with laughter. Virgil and Patton were both in highchairs, Patton happily eating his pieces of pancakes scattered around his table. Logan was sitting next to Virgil, spoon feeding the one year old mushed bananas. The twins were chattering away with full mouths. The six year olds were both already dressed for the day, as were the toddlers - thanks to Logan. 

"Janny!" Remus hopped up, standing on his chair with his hand's propped up on the table. 

"Remus. What have I told you about standing in your chair?" 
"Not to do iiiiit."
"And what are you doing?"

He sighed and sat down, his smile returning as he made eye contact with Jenny.
"Janny, you're gonna spend today with all of us?" Roman asked, tilting his head to the side as he shoved a spoonful into his mouth. 
"Janus. Be kind to them. They're just young not annoying." 
"You don't wanna be with us today?" Remus added in, tilting his head in the opposite direction. The twins were giving him wide eyes and small pouts. 

"Of course I do, Re. I'm just tired." That earned a few smiles. A quick ruffle to Remus' hair and Janus walked over to the counter and made himself a bowl of cereal, joining the others at the table.

The conversation were all of the place. Virgil, who was almost two, was babbling away to Logan. Pausing every few minutes to part his lips and patiently wait for Logan to feed him. 
Patton would switch his attention from Logan, to the twins, to Janus. His smile constant and his mouth full. His sentences weren't proper, but what could you expect from a three year old? 
Roman and Remus were mainly talking to each other, occasionally turning to Logan to ask which one of them had been correct on something. Or to Janus to see what he had to add in. 

It was simply hectic. 


An hour had gone by faster then Janus wanted it to. He was standing in the middle of the common room, Virgil in his arms - on the verge of tears - and the twins were chasing one another. Running circles around Janus. 

Patton, however, was still in Logan's arms. Refusing to let go of him as he screamed bloody murder. He wasn't used to being left. He hadn't ever not been in Logan's arms, or in walking distance to him. And he refused to let it happen. 

Sander Sides One Shots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now