Road Trip

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Virgil pocketed his phone, leaning his elbows on the table to look at the side across from him. He let out a sigh after seeing the brightest smile form on Roman's face.
"Alright, spit it out. You've been staring at me for half an hour and you clearly want my attention."

"You'd be right!" Roman stood up, walking over to Virgil's side, pulling out his chair with ease and turning Virgil towards him. "Alrighty, let's get straight to it. I want you to go on a trip with me."

"What kind of trip?"

"Any trip. You can pick, doesn't matter. Just go on a trip. I'll drive because I know how much you hate it. I'll pay too. Just go on some kind of road trip with me. Come with me."

"What's the catch?"

"There isn't one."

The smile on Roman's face was throwing Virgil off. He filed through every single possible reason that Roman could be inviting him. Whether he was trying to take him out and murder him or have some sort of crazy scheme. All he knew was that he and Roman did not get along. Hardly ever. Since they've moved in together after Logan invited Virgil to move in and Patton invited Roman - needing more roommates to help pay rent. They practically hated each other or acted like they didn't.

"Okay...when are we going?"
"Tomorrow morning."

Virgil stood up, pushing in his chair and stood close to Roman. His eyes were narrowed and he scanned Roman's face. This couldn't be right.

"Where are we going? How am I supposed to pack? How long will we be gone?"

"Calm down Virgy." He put his hands on Virgil's shoulders to get him to shush. "Since tomorrow's Friday let's say a few days...we'll be back Monday night meaning drive all day Monday. You should pack for three days and two nights. Maybe a bathing suit? Also! Bring something fancy, maybe sexy because I'm taking you somewhere over the weekend! It'll be a surprise. I'll wake you up when it's time to go!"

Roman practically ran out of the room, he was on his way to pack his bag. Virgil planned on packing later, he was going towards Logan's room, thinking he could find some sort of explanation from his room-mate.

"Hey, Lo?" He knocked on the door, cracking it open so he could see Logan. He smiled when he saw Patton sat criss-cross-applesauce on Logan's desk. Logan was sitting in his desk chair, his hand was on Patton's thigh and the two were laughing, enjoying the other's company. Virgil was pretty sure that neither had heard him so he left them alone.


Virgil stared at his bed, clothes were laid out and his suitcase was laid open on the floor in the middle of the room - it was empty. He had been trying to figure out what to pack for about three hours now. He was freaking out, not knowing what to pack for this trip. He glanced over at the digital clock.


The red light mocked his indecisiveness. He groaned, backing up to his wall and slid down to the floor. His head hit the wall with a soft thud. A few seconds later his door opened and in walked Roman.

"What the hell are you doing? We're leaving early tomorrow and you need to be in bed. So get your ass up." He glared down at Virgil, his expression softening when he realized how stressed Virgil looked. He walked in, shutting the door behind him and kneeled in front of Virgil.

"What are you stressing over now?"

"I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to pack!" He waved over at the pile of clothes on the bed and his empty suitcase.

"Well shit, how did I miss that?" Roman stood up, picking up a piece of clothing from the top of the pile. Roman smirked, holding up a purple crop top in his hands. "VIrgy owns a crop top?" Roman teased. Virgil quickly stood up, snatching the shirt from Roman's hands and throwing it back onto the bed.

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