Chapter 2: Hell and Origins

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"John, open the damn door! Hurry!" a voice John recognised banged on his door. "Chaz?" what in bloody hell could he want? Pondered John as he approached the door. Bang! Bang! Bang! John rushed to the door and flung it open. No one there? Nothing there? In the corner of his eye, he saw a red splotch on the door. It was writing "I'm coming John Constantine" John knew he knew the demon who was now "coming" But did not know which one. He made many enemies and banished many demons to Hell so he couldn't be sure who was now coming.

But none of that mattered, they had Chaz. Chaz hated John but That wouldn't stop him.

"John, come quick!" He heard Allisa yell. "What is it, child?" John asked "My father, He's here, Nigral's Here."

"You never said your dad was Nigral!" Blurted John. "He took everything from me!". "My fathers done lots wrong, and that's why he needs to go back to Hell." interrupted Allisa

"Can you track him?!" John yelled.

"That's not how it works, I can feel when he's near. But he's gone now." John knew he needed to find him.

"So what did you mean by he ruined your life?" Allisa pondered.

"Once, a long time ago, I used to be a punk rocker. I was always really into sorcery. When I was just a boy I attached my father's soul to a dead cat. Anyway, I used to play at a place in Newcastle called "Casanova'' The owner was using his own daughter to test out spells on. Astra was his daughter's name. Astra manifested a Norfulthing. Once I found out about it, I talked my band into tryin to summon a creature powerful enough to beat the Norfulthing. The Norfulthing was half dog half orangutan. We summoned a creature to beat the Norfulthing but I got the name wrong and freed your father from Hell. Nigral did defeat the demon but turned on my band. I walked Astra through Hell but could not save her. Astra's soul was damned to Hell along with my soul. My entire band was traumatised. We blew up the place with a round of arson. I also had some trauma for the next few years. I was sent to Ravenscar, an asylum for the criminally insane. I was beaten by fellow inmates and tortured by the doctors. All while your father was after my soul. I felt so guilty, I still do. I hated them for not slicing my throat and ending my agonizing pain. I was forced to stay there for 2 entire years. Then I met one of my teachers and lovers, zatanna, long story short I found love, then murdered her dad."

"Oh, sorry, So you ain't great with luck?" Allisa asked

"Not unless I'm playing poker. You should go back to bed." answered John.

"I'm not really tired." Allisa said. "Can I read one of the books on the shelf"

"Sure," John allowed. Allisa opened a book and read about a creature called the Ghost Rider and found a spell to summon it. If she was going to help John banish her father she'd need help. 

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