Chapter 9: Paranoid

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Etrigan was ready to attack. John was pretending to be an easy target. After 1 hour, no Evil John. 2 hours flew by, then 3,4,5. Demon John was a no show. He must be messing with him. John lost countless hours of sleep that night. Etrigan slept in the spare bedroom in case demon John struck at night. The next day John was tired, this time he did not pretend to be an easy target, he was an easy target. This worried him even more.

John went through hell, quite literally, if he could do that and live to tell the tail he could do anything. Well, he didn't have forever and wasn't too happy about the fact that demons seem to find him and he was not fond of multi-tasking. So he decided they would have to hunt each other. What he did not know is that his evil counterpart was working for someone, something, against his will. And he was not the only one.

"I've brought you back the books and artifacts you asked for sir." Demon John said.

A grunt came from behind the brick wall and said "You have provided well John Constantine. You are free to go now. And now that my power over you is taken back, you can kill your counterpart." The deep and powerful voice said.

Demon John felt all the pain go away and felt the need to slice John's throat. And he intended to do just that.

Demon John did not expect Etrigan to protect John. He attacked in the dark of the night. He did not realize the precautions John took to keep him out. He could barely get past the barrier John put up. John and Etrigan knew he was coming so they were both up. They both rushed to the barrier, he made it through the outside barrier. Now he was trapped in there with them. Lucily John knew where his clone was headed. He went in the secret passage and saw a torch up ahead. He rushed towards it with Etrigan The Demon close behind. The torch went dark and Demon John swept up from behind for the kill. John dodged and Etrigan smacked him in the nose leaving quite the wound from his claws. Then John banished him back to Hell.   

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