Chapter 6: Rescue gone wrong

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John used his blood to paint the ritual he saw with Nigral on the ground. The ground cracked up and a portal opened. John jumped in the portal. When he arrived in Nigral's, whatever this place is. Maybe an abandoned warehouse or... anyway when he arrived he was surprised to see a look of fear on Nigral's face. Nigral did not seem to be afraid of him but afraid of the consequences that may come due to him being there. Little did constantine know there was a creature far worse than Nigral watching him the whole time.

Ghost rider had made it to Lucifer's club and was looking for a fight. "Lucifer!!!" Ghost rider screamed while walking down a hallway. Ghost Rider used his chains to slaughter demons like flies. One gave him some trouble though. Her name was Astra. John said something about her but Ghost Rider did not remember what. He decided she was not guilty enough to die though.

Zatanna, Allisa, and Doctor Fate were searching for John, because even though Ghost Rider went rogue he made a hell of a good distraction. They found the ritual John used. They knew he used it because the blood was fresh and his lighter was near.

Dr. Fate and Zatanna decided to split up. Zatanna took Allisa to look for John and Dr. Fate went after Nigral. Zatanna and Allisa went through the portal. And Doctor Fate started searching Hell. 

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