Chapter 3: Assembling a team

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"Morning sunshine!" yelled John.

"What time is it?" asked Allisa.

"Time to choose our allies and make a plan." John answered

"What about the Ghost Rider?" Allisa asked

"He ain't from this universe you would need to make lots of Magic to summon him, but it is a good idea, mate." John assured.

"I already found a spell." Allisa said happily.

"I already have some people in mind though. The rider can be a plan B." John explained "Well, who are they?" Allisa asked excitedly. "Man thing, the being that connects all plant life, Zatanna, my teacher and Ex, and Dr. Fate, one powerful being." John thought out loud

"So, no summoning a powerful demon or tricking Nigral into killing Satan then killing himself." Allisa raved

"What, No." John contradicted. John had no idea what he was doing back in this broken Anti-hero gig. After Ravenscroft and Newcastle he was surprised he'd ever done a spell or ritual again. What if I screw up again and this becomes another Newcastle. No. It will not. It can not, John thought. John could save Allisa and get revenge for Astra, what a deal. He had started this when he summoned Negral, Now he can end it. But he didn't know if he should. But he knew it had to be done sooner or later and he was drunk so he chose sooner. John told Allisa "stay here!" and ran out the door without another word.

He ended up at Zatanna's current apartment. He told her everything that happened and what they planned to do. Zatanna was hesitant but eventually agreed to help. Zatanna and John went back to the safehouse and John introduced Zatanna to Allisa.

Next up was Doctor Fate, John couldn't find him so he summoned him. Doctor Fate agreed to help but only if John would not summon him again.

John found Swamp Thing in the swamps. But he refused to even listen.

"Ok, kid you're up" said John to Allisa.

"Lemme see the book." Allisa handed John the spellbook and John started reading "Alechi, Curno, Lur Ghost Rider. Alechi, Curno, Lur Ghost Rider. Alechi, Curno, Lur Ghost Rider" he got louder "Alechi, Curno, Lur Ghost Rider." Nothing happened.

"Well guess the book was outdated" said Allisa. A flame rose from the ground and then vanished. And in its place was Robbie Reyes and a black car.

"Where am I?" He said. "If you don't tell me i'll let 'him' out."

"Well let him out already, mate" John replied. Robbie burst into flames and grabbed John in the throat and said "feel the pain---" But then stopped. It could not decide whether John was guilty or not. The fire went out and Robbie returned.

"We summoned you because we need your help" John said

"Mine, or the rider's." Robbie threw back.

"The Rider's." John stepped up.

"Ok, who needs to get what they deserve." Robbie agreed to help.

"A demon named Negral." John answered.

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