Chapter 10: The Man of Hope

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When John banished his counterpart to Hell, a paper note fell to the floor that said

"John Constantine will die, The Blight will kill once again!" the Blight? That was not good.

The Blight could feed on dirty or dark thoughts and considering that deadman could not possess John because his mind was so dark, that was proof John's mind was too dark because Deadman has possessed some bad demons! John faced the Blight before but barely survived.

Last time John had to actually turn into a Blight to even have a chance and he would rather watch the world burn than do that again.

John thought about pulling in the Justice League of America or even The Teen Titans, but decided against it.

All the people that had the physical ability to beat the blight were too dark, all but one. John needed someone with few dirty or dark memories or thoughts, He needed hope, He needed superman! John went to the Daily Planet looking for Clark Kent. Clark Kent was superman.

"Klark, I need your help." John said as he approached Clark. "But we can't talk now."

"Okay" Clark said.

"Follow me" commanded John. Clark followed John to an alleyway.

"It's a god. Calls em'self The Blight." John sarcastically said. " It feeds on dark thoughts. Needed someone hopeful. Such as yourself."

"Thanks, that means alot to know I seem hopeful to a downer like you."

"So shits on then?" John started

"I guess it is." Clark finished while ripping off his button shirt exposing his costume. 

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