Part twoBlight Chapter 8: Evil Bloodlines

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Once when John was so troubled the Phantom Stranger talked him into creating an Evil Clone. The clone had all John's demon blood along with his guilt and depression. In the original timeline Nigral Killed him but after flash point, He survived.

John decided he wanted a day off. But that could never happen, There would always be an Evil to fight or to succumb to. John's evil doppelganger was on Earth now. And if you've been paying attention, there has been a dark mysterious figure watching John's every move.

John had a drink. Then his door smashed open. He heard the door break and went to check it out. It was apparent that it was purposely broken but there was no one there. John rushed to the library to see what creature besides himself of course could be capable of this stealth. But, once he got there, his books were pushed off the shelf and His most powerful artifacts and spells were gone.

He turned around to see himself but darker just for a second before he ran. John knew he couldn't catch him so he did not chase him. John recognised his evil doppelganger. Then the doppelganger was gone. But to protect himself he used a spell to keep the doppelganger out of the safehouse when he was gone. He doubled up on the spell with a spell to only let one person in at a time.

John decided he needed some help because dark constantine knew everything he knew. John went to seek help from Etrigan the Demon. Etrigan agreed to help but wouldn't stay close to John, as he prefered to ambush his prey and did not want Evil John to see him coming.

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