Chapter twelve | Tsukki pov

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I couldn't give up, even though deep down I knew it was hopeless...

I couldn't give up. Yama needed to know everything. He needs to know that...

I love him.

And I don't think that it's gross.


Me and Yama didn't talk if we didn't have to. We weren't going to let everything get in the way of volleyball, but even if it did I wouldn't mind because volleyball is the least of my life concerns right now. He decided to stay longer than usual and with the chance given, I went to the locker room and slipped a note in his jacket.


Go to the field where we were during the meteor shower. There will be another one tonight. You have every right to not show up but please Yama... we really need to talk. I think you already know who this is from so I won't bother writing my name.

And all I could do is hope.


"I- I decided to come..." I immediately looked up, so excited and overjoyed that he showed up! Now I have the chance. I can make things right.

"I know what you wanted to talk about but just say it anyways." "Yama, there's such an easy way to tell you this but I can't seem to find it, that's why I said nothing every time I needed to say to."

"But Yama I'm sorry, I'll do anything! I'll even say it. I'll say the truth."

"Which is?"

And there was a pause. He gave me a look like he knew I would do it again. But I can't. I'm not losing my everything.

"I love you Tadashi." "That's as simple as it gets. I love you so much it's concerning." "And this whole time I was too stupid to know the difference between friendship and love. But now I know Yama, so please say it again, say you love me too."

He stared at me and I saw the tears forming.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

At first I didn't know how to answer. But when I found it, without hesitating, I kissed him.

The space between us was closed and a new world opened.

The silence was no longer, we could hear each others racing hearts, and silent minds.

The stars did a little dance and my heart followed.

"Now do you believe me?" He looked at me and nodded, still with tears in his eyes he shouted "Yeah!"

"I love you Tadashi."

"I love you too Kei!"

And love was no longer gross

But it was a beautiful thing that we both get to experience.

And my question was no longer unanswered.

Because now I know

  How to love

The End!

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Tell me your opinions!!!

Also, if you guys want me to do a certain ship, you can tell me and if I see one that I like or is really popular I'll write it!!!

Yours truly, author-chan :D

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