Ch. 6

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~Bree's P.O.V.~

Me and Mack talk and joke around for awhile. It's pretty awesome having and little sister who can create different abilites. 

"Truth or dare?" I ask Mack. 

"Dare." she says. I think about a dare then get an idea. 

"I dare you to kiss my capsule." I laugh. 

"Which one's yours?" Mack asks. 

"That one." I say, and point at my capsule. She goes over and kisses it, then comes back over to me. 

"Hey girls!" Adam smiles walking in. Me and Mack groan and lay down on the cyber desk we were once sitting on. 

"Oh come on, we're not that horrible." Chase smirks. 

"You have no idea, do you?" Mack asks. That causes both Adam and Chase to laugh until Mr. Davenport walks in. 

"Hey kids, we have to go to a new release ceremony tonight." Mr. Davenport tells all of us.

"Why?" we all groan. 

"Because I said. Now go get ready. In other words, program your capsules with the outfits you want then get in them." Mr. Davenport says. Adam, Chase, and I all get in our capsules while Mack follows Mr. Davenport upstairs. I guess she's going to my old room when I decided to move out of the lab. I decide on a dress with a black top and a white and black polka-dot bottom. I leave my hair down straight and silvery heels. I walk out of my capsule and upstairs. I can hear Mr. Davenport and Mack talking about things. I'm guessing he's teaching her how to use the capsule settings. It is a little difficult. 

"You ready Bree?" Chase asks. I spin around to see both Chase and Adam in tuxs. 

"I guess. Should we go wait in the limo for Mr. Davenport and Mackenzie?" I ask. 

"Sure." they boys shrug. We all walk out to the limo and get in. Mr. Davenport, Tasha, and Leo are all in a different one so we're just waiting on Mack. 

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