Ch. 9

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~Bree's P.O.V.~

I look over at Mackenzie and Chase. They're talking to girl with jet black hair. 

"Hey Adam, Mackenzie just gave me the signal. Let's go over and see what's up." I say. He nods and we walk over. 

"So nice to meet you Amelia." the girl says. I'm confused when she says Amelia then I remember the plan. 

"Oh Kim, this is my brother and sister, Nate and Emily." Mack says. I don't like the name but go with it. 

"I'm Kim. You guys look a lot like the bionic trio. Well, Nate, Emily, and Daniel do. Amelia, you don't look like one of them." Kim says. 

"It's been nice talking to you, Kim. But we really need to go." Chase says. 

"See you around!" Kim smiles. We walk off and wait for Mack to explain. 

"Change of plans, get Davenport, Tasha, and Leo. We need to go." Mack says. 

"Why?" we all ask. 

"Three words. Douglas is here." she tells us. 

~Mackenzie's P.O.V.~

That girl, Kim, didn't go well with me. I could tell almost instantly she was bad news. The way she came right up to me and Chase after we split up and asked us for our names. We're all walking really fast to find the others so we can leave. We don't find them anywhere. I see a microphone on a stage. 

"Chase, come with me." I say. I quickly change my appearance to look like Bree and hop on the stage. "Excuse me! Can I have your attention? Thank you. Mr. Davenport, if you are here, we need to talk to you. NOW!" I say. The room stays quiet for a while then goes back to normal as me and Chase jump off the stage. 

"That was awesome. How did you look like me?" Bree asks. 

"Another ability I have." I shrug. Then Davenport, Tasha, and Leo all come over to us. 

"What's up guys?" Davenport asks. 

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