Ch. 8

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~Bree's P.O.V.~

We were being swamped by paps. What are we? Celebrities? Oh yeah, we are.

"You can geo-leap, right?" I asked Mack. She nods. "Get us out of here." I whisper. In the blink of an eye, we're gone and in the dance hall.

"Well that worked." Mack says.

"Yup. Thanks." I smile.

"No problem." Mack smiles back. We go to find Mr. Davenport and the boys.

"There you two are!" Chase says running into us.

"Uh, yeah." I say.

"Why did you geo-leap? Now the public knows Mackenzie's bionic." Chase tells us.

"Shit. I forgot. When this gets out, Douglas will know where I'm at." Mackenzie says. We look at her wide eyed because she just cussed.

"What did you just say?" Adam asks.

"Oh my goodness! I may be a cute little 15 year old girl, but that doesn't mean I won't cuss." she tells us.

"Alrighty then." I say.

~Mackenzie's P.O.V.~

So what? I cussed. Big deal. Actually, it is a big deal! Douglas is gonna come and find me. He won't stop at anything anymore.

"Let's go make some new friends." I say. We walk off to where all the teenagers are at. It's not a drunk party like most teenage parties are. It's actually kind of nice. We decide to split into groups of two. We decide me and Chase, and Bree and Adam. The bionic abilities will equal us out. In case of an emergency - like Douglas - Bree and I can super speed. Or Adam and I can use strength. Of course, this leaves the two with super smarts together but, you won't need those in an emergency as much as the other two.

"Hey! My name's Kim. What's your's?" a black haired girl asks. She's tall with pale skin and dark eyes. I look over at Chase and he knows what to do. I can already tell not to trust her.

"My name's Amelia and this is Daniel." I smile.

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