She Thinks She's...

21 14 1

She's a narcissist, her dad told me.

She'll never be happy, a passerby told me.

She can't have kids, her mother told me.

She isn't the thinnest girl, her grandmother said.

She's not the safest bet, her best friend whispered.

She drinks wine a little too early, her ex-boyfriend said.

She's a coward, her ex-mother-in-law said.

She'll steal your heart and jump until it bursts, another ex-boyfriend said.

She'll gaslight you until you believe her lies, her aunt told me.

She's not the thickest girl, nephew told me.

She's an emotional anarchist, her sister told me.

She's...I can't put my finger on it, a neighbor told me.

She's the craziest person I've ever met, her stalker told me.

She thinks she's cooler than she is, her cousin texted me.

She's the kind of girl mom tells you to avoid like coronavirus, her aunt told me.

She's restored my faith in humanity with humility, I responded.

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