Do You Want To Settle Down?

18 12 0

Hannah's here.

I'm there.

Hannah's everywhere.

I come.

Hannah goes.

Things fell short this time

Lies after the summer lead a fall with a fireplace, burning chopped wood.

Embracing our bodies while watching a flick on Netflix, without a where the hell ya been? Why are ya late again? talk.

Hannah goes.

I come.

Hannah wears skirts.

I wear jeans.

Hannah strips nude and dyes her hair red, and not light red but dark red.

Hannah wears shirts without bras.

I go.

Hannah stays.

I wait.

Hannah goes.

I stay.

Hannah drives there.

I stay everywhere.

Hannah ends up in a Seattle, Washington bar.

I stay.

Hannah comes to my door.

I go.

Hannah stays.

I come home.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," Hannah says. "Where have you been?"

"Do you want to settle down?" I ask.

"Thought you'd never ask."

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