Not Without A Fight

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I'd waited for this day on a dingy hospital bed, writing my life's story until the doctors let me know. Would I leave, or should I be prepared to stay here? Until we found the throat cancer cleared, I couldn't commit to either.

The doctor told me, son, he said, the throat cancer is gone for now. We got the last of it for now.

I shed tears I didn't know I had to shed, but they weren't for fear. I lifted my gaze to Tara, standing above me. Her onion eyes had begun to sprinkle drops onto my face, masking my insecurity.

"I'm going to be OK," I said.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about..." Tara paused, slowing to catch her breath between soft sobs.

"The lonely position of neutral isn't won, not without a fight."

"I don't know what that means." Tara brushed tears, cracking a smile. "But I've never felt closer to you than sitting beside your hospital bed."

My final breath feels gone.


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