The President Held A Bible

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The president gave a speech about unrest, but in the background, soldiers cleared peaceful protestors with tear gas and rubber bullets, violating their rights. (Some soldiers later apologized for taking part).

The sign ahead says there are tents in the streets; courtesy of the land of the free. Mansions built across the river rub poverty in the faces of the poor.

As we protested through the city, for the first time, I'd seen folks living in tents in the wealthiest country on earth.

But the president held up a Bible in Lafayette Square.

I stopped chanting but continued marching as my eyes drifted to either side of the road—people in rags, eating from the trash.

But the president held up a Bible, and conservatives applauded.

The show was for his white racist segregationist fake Christian voters, not for the people who genuinely believe in humanity and the actual teachings of Jesus.

But the president waved a Bible and evangelicals applauded.

If you notice, I don't call (most) white conservative evangelicals Christians because I don't believe many of them embody the teachings of Christ.

The president mumbles from night through the day, and my daughter's watching the news asking, What did he say?

I couldn't interpret his incoherent blathering, so I tell her he has mental issues (that was easier to explain).

(© 2020 by Andrew Cyr)

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