Chapter 3

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Warning: mentions of torture, language

   "I was born on Y/bd 1995. I'm 21. My mothers name was Maria, my father was Justin. I don't remember much about my childhood. I had an older sister, Charlotte. (Sorry if your names Charlotte!) She was my world. We were kidnapped together, that's where my memories begin. I was 17 years old. I'd graduated high school early. At least I think I did. I think Charlotte had been visiting for the holidays or something, I don't know why she was with me, she would've been 21 at the time." "Where were you from? Do you remember?" Wanda asked.

"Not really. I remember a yellow house.. but when me and Charlotte got kidnapped, that's when my powers finally started to show. I remember. I think it was the super soldier serum. I'd heard about you Bucky, the guards would always talk about The Winter Soldier, how you escaped Hydra and how you were the best soldier they'd ever seen. I think Charlotte had a crush on you." He smirked.

"I guess my sister and I were just another project. Not long after we got there, she died. She tried to escape while we were on a mission." you started to cry. "It's okay. They hurt us too. But you're here now, and if they helped us, then we can help you." Wanda said, grabbing your hand. You smiled gratefully. "I did everything after that willingly, even though they'd brainwash me. I knew deep down I was doing the wrong thing, but I also knew I didn't have a choice. If I resisted they would beat me bloody again. I really didn't want that." You said.

"It's torture. Hey I noticed that you speak Spanish? What's that about?" "Mi madre hablaba español con fluidez. Lo recogí, aunque no esperaría que tu culo ruso lo entendiera." (My mother spoke Spanish fluently, I picked it up. though I wouldn't expect your Russian ass to understand.) You smiled. "My Russian ass?" He smiled. "Y-you speak Spanish too?" You stuttered. Wanda started laughing. "Along with German, Portuguese, Russian, Latin, Japanese and English." He smiled. Your face turned red. "Pinche pendejo." (Fucking asshole😀I'm sorry that's too funny not to laugh at, I'm crying) "Well, I'll take that as my queue to leave, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife." Wanda smiled.

Your eyes got big and you smacked your hand to your head. "I called him a- Wanda, I didn't- I didn't say anything like that." You laughed. "But you were both thinking it." She winked and left. You attempted to change the subject with another memory. "Did they ever give you anything weird? Like a costume or a thing that would make you known?" Bucky held up his metal arm. "Ah." You smiled. "Why? What'd they give you?" He asked. "Lipstick. Every week there was a brand new tube of red lipstick sitting in the bathroom. I guess that was my metal arm." You looked over at Bucky, who had an odd look on his face. "What?" You ruffled his hair.

"You know, Wanda can read minds." He said. "So can I." You glared at him. "Get out." You rolled your eyes. "Go." You said again. 'Feisty.' You heard him think. "Yeah you need to leave. This feisty girl has had enough of you for one day." You yanked him up by the metal arm, and pushed him over to the door. He opened it. "Ow!" You hissed. "It pinched me!" You shook your hand. "My arm? Sorry." He flexed, and the rivets moved around. Your eyes widened. "Be careful with that thing.." you said. "See ya 'round doll." He slammed the door. "The bastard." You fumed.

  Eventually, you got over it, and decided to go check out your ginormous closet. You found rows of your clothes, you don't know how or why they got there, you just assumed that hydra had handed them over, that or Wanda had used her magic to get them here. Something along the lines of that. There was also an assortment of makeup in the bathroom, along with a few tubes of lipstick. You picked up the red one, smiled and set it back down. Even though it was a memory of your past, you still liked red lipstick. You changed into an oversized T-shirt and shorts of all things, and decided to go down to the library to see what you could find about your powers.

   "Hello lady Y/n." A booming voice sounded behind you. "Oh hey Thor. You're...Asgardian right? Do you know anything about my powers?" You asked. "Sadly, I do not. But I know someone who might." He said. "But I believe he isn't in New York at the moment.. he should be back soon."

(To clarify, this is the next week.)

    "I'm doctor Stephen Strange. You must be Y/n." He held out a hand for you to shake. "Yeah, I wanted to see if you knew anything about my powers." "Magic. You mean." He corrected. "Magic?" You questioned. "Yes that's what I said. Magic. You think your abilities are limited to the elements of earth. I've done a fair amount of research, and you have quite the list going for you. Telekinesis, aka moving rocks, water, ice, and other objects, you have the ability to create fire with your bare hands, as well as lightning. Which, apparently is draining for you?"

"Yes, how did you-" "Along with the ability to read minds, and control them." "Control them?" You said. "Hell no. Hell. No. What kind of Star Wars shit is this?" You asked. "It's nothing of the sort. Miss Maximoff has the same abilities as you, minus the whole lightning and fire thing. You can heal, so can she. I'm assuming you acquired your magic in an experiment that Hydra conducted?" He said. You nodded. "Ah, well here's what actually happened. You've had magic your entire life. Both you and miss Maximoff were given powers from the infinity stones. The building blocks of the universe. She gained hers from the mind stone. Your sister, from the soul stone, me from the time stone," "And me?" You leaned forward. "Yours, came from the reality stone." He said. "So Am I not human?" You asked. "Well, technically yes, but you've been alive since 1930." "I'm sorry what?" You said.

"You were born on Y/bd 1930. Didn't you know?" He said. "No? I was born on Y/bd 1995. I'm 21." "Give or take 65 years." He added. "Wonder why your only memories are of your parents and your sister? You only have memories of working for Hydra. It was probably the same freezing system they had in place for Bucky." "I only have small memories of my past..." you said quietly. "I'm not sure what exactly happened to you, but you are 86 years old." He smirked. "Why do I look like this then? Am I immortal?" You looked down at your hands. "Not that we can tell, for now at least, you're fully human. You've aged some over the past decades but only a few weeks at a time, Bruce said you're aging again at a normal rate. But it doesn't mean you'll stay that way." He said. "This is nuts. I need to sleep." You said. "You can go. I hope this helped." He stood. "Thank you Dr. Strange." "Please. Stephen is fine." You smiled softly and left.

    Where were you from? Were you really 86? Thor said he was 1500 years old.. maybe you're an Asgardian too. But there are records of you dating back to 1930. How the hell.. for now at least, you were going back to your new home, to enjoy getting to know your new family. Hopefully.

Word count: 1135

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Where stories live. Discover now