Chapter 4

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Warning: language :)

86 years old. What the hell. "Steve?" You called down the hallway when you got back to the compound. "I'm here." He called back. You walked in and saw him sitting on the couch. "What're you watching?" You asked, sitting next to him. "Star Trek. Tony told me to watch it." He said. "Mmm." "Are you okay?" He asked. "No.." you said quietly. Steve paused the TV and looked at you, worried.

"What happened?" "I went to Stranges place.. he told me something.. I figured I'd come to you.." "What'd he say?" He asked. "He said I was born in 1930, and not 1995." You said. "What?" "Yeah." You shrugged.

"You know my story though.. I went in the ice, and 70 years later, I'm back and sitting on the couch watching Star Trek." He said. "Bucky.. him too. That easily could be your case. You only remember working for Hydra yeah? Maybe they froze you too." He said. "Yeah they could've." You rubbed your shoulders anxiously. "Hey. It's okay. You're here now. I'm nearly a hundred, so is Bucky. You're not alone." He smiled. "We should make a club. You, me, Bucky, and isn't Thor like.. 1000 years old?" You asked.

"Yeah he is. He has a brother too. Loki. If he ever comes again, he could join the club too." Steve laughed. He's pretty good at making people feel better. Must be a talent of his. You just thought it was kind of weird that you'd been "alive" for so long. You'd honestly hoped that your parents would still be alive if you ever escaped, but they definitely won't be now. You pulled out your phone, and began scrolling through social media. You let out a long sigh, and flipped upside-down on the couch, your legs resting over the back. Steve paused the movie and got up. "Watcha doin now?" You asked. "I was hungry. Want anything?" He asked. "Uhhhh... how bout a root beer?" You asked.

"Sure." He said. Social media was getting you nowhere, so you decided to play one of the games you had downloaded on your phone. Hydra was pretty cruel but they weren't heartless. At least to a woman. They closely monitored your phone every day to make sure you weren't trying to plot and escape. As you sat waiting for Steve to come back, you felt an ice cold hand tickle the bottom of your foot. You squealed and pulled your feet back you saw Bucky lean over the couch and smile at you.

"Ticklish?" He said. "N-no.." you sat up and realized he was closer to you than you'd thought. Your faces were close, and he smirked. "Not ticklish hm?" He put a finger to your chin and lifted your head. "Not at all." You said quietly. He shifted, and lunged for your ribs. You yelped out and started laughing as he tickled you as hard as he could. "Not ticklish?" He hopped over the couch, and sat on your legs. "S-stop it!!" You  screeched.

You writhed under him, trying to kick your legs and break from his grip. "Bucky!!" You found it harder and harder to breathe. Bucky was laughing above you. "JAMES!!" You screamed, and pulled his metal arm. He let go after that, pulling his arm away. You hurt for him knowing the way he felt about his metal arm. "That was the first time I've heard you laugh. Or actually smile for that matter."

He smiled, pushing the unsure expression off his face. He stood up and came to sit on your left. So his metal arm was on the side farthest from you. You frowned. "I mean I'm an ex Hydra assassin. Did you smile all the time when you first got here?" You smirked. "Good point." Steve came back, handing you the root beer. He sat on the other side of you.

  'Who knew I'd have two incredibly hot buff men sitting next to me while watching Star Trek.' You thought to yourself. "So how are you liking it?" You asked Steve. "Eh, it's alright. I think Star Wars is better." "Agreed." You said.

As the movie played, you shivered. You'd think that the two super soldiers sitting next to you would be radiating heat, but alas.. you were still cold. You hopped up and walked over to a closet to get a blanket. "Cold?" Steve said. "A little." You put the blanket over your head, and wrapped it around your body like a little kid would. You plopped back down on the couch, taking a sip of the sweet soda on the table. You weren't too interested in the movie anymore, so you closed your eyes.

   "Psst.." someone said. "Hey Y/n.. wake up." Your eyes fluttered open. You were laying in Bucky's lap. You looked up at him, the light hitting your eyes. "You fell asleep." He smiled softly. "On you." You rubbed your eyes and stretched. "Yep." He said. You sat up and looked around.

     "Well aren't you two cute." You turned to see Wanda standing in the hall. "Oh hush. I just fell asleep." You said. "He was asleep too." She said. You looked back to Bucky. "You were sleeping too?" You smiled. "I couldn't move you 'cause I didn't want to wake you up." He said. "You could pass for a married couple.. sleeping together." She laughed. "Shut uuup." You pulled the blanket back over your shoulders. "You're a good pillow Barnes." You saluted with two fingers. "Glad to help." He said, flipping the tv back on. "Where'd Steve go?" You asked. "I dunno." Wanda said.

    You were sitting in your room reading a book when Jarvis came over the com. "Miss Y/n. Mr. Stark and Natasha are requesting your presence in the lab." You sighed and thanked him before heading over.

   "Whatcha need Tony? Hey Nat." You smiled. "We figured since you're a part of the team now, you should have a suit. I didn't know whether or not you want a cape, I made one that's detachable.. whenever you feel like it." He pulled it out. The suit on the mannequin was tight, and light grey. It had silver accents, and a hood on top. "I like capes" you shrugged. "Thor has a cape and he's pretty badass." You said. Tony grabbed the cape, which hooked on your shoulders. You smirked, and went to go put it on. You turned around in the mirror, seeing how the grey material hugged your curves. You put the hood on, and then the cape. You decided to ask what everyone else thought.

   "Okay.. I'm trying to decide on the cape. I'm really not sure about it." You walked out. "Damn girl! That ass." Natasha jokingly said. "Yes yes thank you." You spun around. 'Damn. Beautiful'  Your head snapped up, and you saw Bucky staring at you. You smirked and pushed a thought into his mind. 'Thanks.' You said.

"Let's see without the cape." You unhooked the cape, and set it down. "Mm.. put the hood on?" Tony said. You put the hood on, and posed. "Yeah I think I like that the best." He said. "Me too." Natasha agreed. "Bucky what do you think?" Nat asked. He looked up. "Oh uh, yeah I think you look great." He smiled.

"You do. And just in time too because we've got a new mission." Steve had come in wearing his suit, his shield on his back. Broad ass shoulders. "Already? It's only been two weeks" You said quietly. "Oh no, it's not Hydra. Some crazed maniac named Marsh McGee.. out to destroy Shield." Steve said. "Sweet." You said. "Let's go." You walked over. "Do you want to go? You don't have to, I can find someone else." Steve asked. "I don't mind." "Okay well I only need two more then. Bucky? You wanna go?" He asked. "Sure." "I have work I need to catch up on, Nat you're up." Tony stalked away. "That settles it then."
"Off to save the world." You rolled your shoulders.

Word count: 1351

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