Chapter 15

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Warning: Strong language, murder (it's very brief I promise, I marked it!)

Two days had passed and the team was getting ready to apprehend Katya. The previous days had mostly been keeping a close eye on back alleys and bars at night, but during the day you and the team had enjoyed some sightseeing.

You took a picture kissing Bucky in front of the Eiffel Tower, you thought it'd turned out pretty cute. Today however, held many more surprises than you'd expected.

It was the night of the big event that Katya was supposed to be attending, so the team had to pose as couples to make things seem more normal. (Minus you and Bucky Of course)

You walked in the entrance in your black dress, your hand on Bucky's arm. Your hair was slightly curled, and you had on heels. You'd topped your look
off with a slight smokey eye and your signature red lip. "God you're so fucking gorgeous doll.." Bucky smiled. "I could say the same for you love." You said.

"See anything?" You said. "Not yet, entrance two seems to be clear." You heard Steve say over the comms. "So is entrance three." You heard Wanda's voice. "Well were all good here too. She must not be here ye-" you were cut off by the music shutting off and the club falling silent.

A tall lanky woman entered, wearing a black sequin jumpsuit with a plunging V-neck and pointed shoulder pads. There were grungy looking men following her closely. Must be bodyguards.

"That's her." Steve said. You recognised her from the picture. Katya had long black hair tied into a half bun style, she topped it off with a dark purple lipstick. Katya glanced at you and Bucky for a moment, her gaze lingering on Bucky for a second too long.

"Did she recognise you?" You looked up at him. "Nah, I don't think she did." He said, watching her. "She's a stickler for fashion.. and what a horrible shade of lipstick." You said.

"Guys focus. We need to be apprehending this chick, not critiquing her lipstick." Steve said. "Okay. Let's meet at the table over on the far north side of this dump." Steve said.

You and Bucky slowly made your way over to the table, grabbing a glass of champagne from a waiter. "Hey!" You smiled when you reached the table.

"Hey Y/n! You look amazing!" Wanda said. "Well,
I can't take all the credit I did have a little help picking out the dress." She laughed. "So how are we going to get this lady?" You said.

"Well she's here to exchange information with some dude here. Maybe if we can find the guy before she makes the exchange of information.." "one of us could pose as the guy and apprehend her!" You said a little bit proudly.

"Is that him?" You saw the waiter you'd taken the champagne from setting down the tray and putting
In a comm link. Bucky stood up, so did you and Wanda. The three of you walked over to the waiter, Bucky starting the conversation.

"Uh excuse me sir, do you think you could help out my lady friends here?" He motioned to you and Wanda, who had her hand on her stomach, and you had your arm around her. "Yeah, I think she had one too many drinks." You cringed. "I think I'm gonna be sick.." Wanda said. The waiter looked at you confused for a moment, but when you winked at him, he got the notion and took you both out back.

"Are you ladies all right? Can I get you anything? Water?" He was surprisingly a nice gentleman despite his reason for coming here. Wanda stood up, 'somehow' feeling fine again, and put her arms around his neck. "How could I thank you?" She smiled. "I-oh it's really nothing. I was on break anyway." He smiled. "Maybe.. a kiss?" She smiled, and took a quick glance at you. "I can't kiss customers on the job.." he said.

"You said you were on break bus boy." She smirked. "Fair point." He leaned in, and captured her lips in a semi awkward kiss. 'Y/n! Knock him out quick!' Wanda told you telepathically. You pulled a hunk of rock out from the ground and rammed it in to the waiters head. He passed out, not dead, just unconscious.

"Now that that's taken care of, we need to tie him up and put him in a room for questioning." Wanda said, wiping her mouth. "You okay?" You asked. "Yeah! That was just a little weird. He's not a good kisser." She said.

You walked back in with Wanda and to your absolute horror, Bucky was standing in the middle of an empty club, kissing Katya.

Your eyes flooded with tears when you saw the scene unfolding before you. Steve Thor and Nat were all fighting off the grungy bodyguards while Bucky just stood there snogging with the enemy.

"Y/n..." Wanda looked over at you, the same look of shock and disgust on her face. First came shock, then fleeting hurt, followed by disgust, then a monstrous wave of anger.

You stomped over to Bucky, smacking him on the shoulder. "Who're you." Katya said. "Y/n! I swear this isn't what it looks like." Bucky said. The tears in your eyes threatened to fall. "Doll I tried to tell her I have a girlfriend. I-" you raised your hand for him to stop. "Had a girlfriend."

Katya just smirked. Your eyes began to flare yellow, your magic ready to burst from you with a single twitch of a finger. "You think this is funny?" You looked over at her. "Y/n please-" "Bucky, get the FUCK away from me right now or I swear to god I will blow you off this fucking planet. Katya and I have some business to attend to." You sneered.

Bucky had tears flowing down his cheeks at this point, so hurt at the comment you'd just made, and the fact that you said you weren't his girlfriend anymore.

"Alright Katya. What the hell were you doing kissing him." You said, circling her. "He was asking for it. I saw him come in with you, he didn't look too interested in what you had to say, so I thought I'd take him for a whirl. Now that I know you're with SHEILD I guess I thought wrong. He's not a bad kisser though."

"I could blow you off the planet too if I wanted Katya. Watch what you say." You said, summoning a ball of fire in between your hands. Katya looked a little defeated when she saw your power, so she started to take a few steps back.

"Scared?" You said. "No, but at least I'm not a freak." She smirked. "I'm not the only freak here thank God." Wanda was next to you in an instant, lifting Katya off the ground. You looked around at the rest of the team, and they all looked to be fine, minus Bucky.

"You guys need to go." You said. The four remaining Avengers swiftly exited the building, before that, cuffing each of the bodyguards. "Katya. You have information on Hydras secret base yeah? Tell us and it'll be a quick death. Don't and it'll be slow and painful."

You hesitated, but shot a bolt of lightning into the ground. "Where the hell is the base Maldonado." You demanded. "Like hell I'll tell you." She said.

You shot a small bolt of lightning into Katyas foot, a shout of agony coming from her. "Come on man we don't have all night here." Wanda said. "No!"

Wanda tightened her grip on Katya, almost forcing the words out of her. "It's exactly a hundred miles north of the Eiffel Tower. In the woods. Now SET ME DOWN!" She shouted. You pulled your gun on Katya, and in your anger, didn't hesitate to shoot.

She fell to the ground limp as a noodle. You never thought that killing someone would come that easy to you when you weren't being forced to do it. You fell to your knees, starting to sob. Wanda bent down and hugged you, comforting you.

"It's alright Y/n. You can come sleep with me and Nat in our room, okay?" She said. "Bucky didn't want that kiss to happen." She said. "She forced it on him." "He looked into it. He was still kissing her and only stopped when I came up. He would have kept kissing her. I just know it." You cried.

"Katya is gone now. You don't have much to worry about let alone a man. I'm here with you and that's all you need right now." She kissed your cheek. Having a close friend like Wanda really helped in these times.

You walked out of the nightclub with Wanda, your makeup ruined and your lipstick thoroughly worn down. You returned to the hotel, and went into Wanda's room without saying a word to Bucky. Not even a single glance at him.

That night you were emptying your purse when you dropped your red lipstick on the floor. You cringe and picked it up, seeing that it had broken. "Great." You said as you went and crashed on Nat and Wanda's hotel couch.

Word count: 1560

Lipstick- a Bucky Barnes x reader story Where stories live. Discover now