Chapter 8

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Warning: language!

(It just slipped out...)

"Aww you look cute!" Wanda and Nat were also wearing dresses, something you wouldn't expect of them, being that they were highly skilled assassins.

"Thanks!" You said. "So where are we going?" You asked. "I'm not sure, we haven't decided yet." Natasha said as the three of you stepped onto the elevator.

You made it to the bottom floor, and smiled to yourself when you saw  Steve and Bucky coming in the compound. "Hello boys." Nat said. You looked up at Bucky, who had an odd look plastered on his face.

"Bucky?" You stopped, and motioned for Nat and Wanda to wait a moment. "Bucky are you alright?" You laid a hand on his shoulder.

You smiled up at him, and he looked down at you, his gaze hardening, your smile fading. "Steve?" You looked over at him, and he gave you a look saying:

'I know why he's acting like this but he needs to tell you himself.'

"Bucky." You said more sternly. He looked down at you again, his look faltering when he saw the worry in your eyes. "Bucky what's wrong? What happened?" You reached up to touch his face.

"It's nothing.." he said quietly. "Do you need me to stay?" Why would you say that? You're not dating. You thought. "No, I'll be fine doll. Go have fun." He smiled softly. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, and he kissed your hand softly. "Wait, can I have a hug, please?" He asked.

"Sure." You looked up at him, his eyes clouded. You hugged him, rubbing the back of his head.

You smiled sympathetically at Bucky, and then Steve. You were almost out the door when you decided to take one last look at Bucky, who was watching you as the elevator door closed.

"So what's going on with you and Barnes?" Nat nudged you, grinning. "Uh, well. Nothing right now.." "Uh huh, bullshit." Wanda smiled. "Good grief. Well, if you must know, we hooked up last night.." "Really? You and Barnes?" Natasha said. "Go Y/n!!" Wanda shook you by the shoulders.

"Yep.. it's not official or anything... but I think he might want it to be. Although, that look on his face just now said otherwise." You rubbed your shoulders anxiously. "Bucky was never really the type to be so outgoing. Once he found you, it was like he really started to come out of his shell." Wanda said. "Y/n he asked you for a hug. He definitely has the hots for you." Nat said.

"Was he really that quiet before I came?" You said. "Yeah, Barnes would rarely say a word, so secretive all the time. Wanda was the closest girl friend (space in the middle) with him when he first came here, since they'd both come from Hydra. Eventually he warmed up to the rest of us. But now you're here and he's friendlier than I've ever seen him." Nat smiled.

"I mean you can't blame him. All the shit hydra put him through... its not his fault." You said. "Of course not." Wanda said quickly. "It's not his fault. All we're saying, is that we think you and Bucky would be a good match." Nat smiled. "Yep!" Wanda added.

"Is this it?" You pointed up at the cafes sign. "Oh yeah! I came on a blind date here a few weeks ago. I got the spaghetti and it was to die for." Natasha said.

"We'll see about that." You grinned. The three of you walked inside, and got seated at a booth near the window. "So, Y/n, how are you liking the avenger life?" Wanda asked. "It's pretty great. I already feel like I can trust all of you with my life. I know it's only been a month, but I really really feel at home." You said.

"That's good." Nat smiled. "How are you dealing with other things.. like.." "Like the fact that I was kidnapped by hydra and they didn't murder my sister, that asshole Marsh did?" Wanda's eyes got big. "It's okay."

"Yes. I'm feeling better, since Charlottes already gone.. and so is Marsh. I had a nightmare last night, and I feel like they're going to be a common thing. But I'm sure I'll be fine." You said. "That's good too" Nat said. Wanda nodded in agreement.

The three of you finished eating, you'd ordered the spaghetti and agreed that it was delicious, you made your way back to the compound.

Once you got back to your room, you decided to go see what was wrong with Bucky. You walked slowly down the hall, to Bucky's closed door. You put your ear up and listened to see if you could hear anything.

"Bucky, it's Y/n. Can I come in?" You knocked. "Y/n?" You heard from inside. You slowly creaked the door open, and saw Bucky laying on his bed, a sheen of sweat covering his shirtless body.

"No.. don't hurt her..." he was asleep. "Bucky.." you smiled, pulling your shoes off and walking over to the bed. "No.. Y/n! You can't hurt her!" He said louder.

You sat down on the bed next to him. You laid your hand on his chest, and ran circles over his smooth skin. You grabbed his metal hand, and intertwined your fingers with his.

"Please... I love her." He said quietly.

Your eyes went big, your heart rate increased dramatically. You didn't know if he meant it, he was dreaming after all. Better not tell him he said that when he woke up.

"Bucky.. wake up." You said louder. You put your hand up to his head, and ran your fingers through his hair. His breathing increased, and then his crystalline blue eyes fluttered. "Bucky?" Your hand returned to his chest when his eyes fully opened.

"Y/n.." he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you were okay. "Are you alright?" You moved your hair out of your face. "No." He said.

Bucky sat up, your hand falling from his chest to his abs. You looked down at his torso momentarily, and then moved your hand. Now is NOT the time Y/n. You thought to yourself.

"What happened?" "Hydra kidnapped you again. They tried to kill you. And I couldn't do anything." He looked up at you, his long hair hanging past his shoulders.

"Well. It's good that I'm still here right?" You smiled, squeezing his hand. He must've heard it, because he looked down at your hand intertwined with his.

He lifted his metal arm and smiled. "Were you worried about me doll?" You didn't let go. "I mean, at first I wasn't. I opened the door and you were laying there sweating... breathing heavy.. saying my
Name.. I couldn't help but think.."

Bucky laughed. "I guess It could've been mistaken for that." "Can I ask you something?" You said. "Anything." He said.

"What happened to you, down in the lobby?"

Word count: 1172

Surprise! A double update! Hah 😅 Truth is I need a little nudge for this story, so I'm posting it on my Instagram! GO FOLLOW IT!! Please.

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