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The fact that there was an option that would keep him in a seperate bed was the only thing that kept Norman calm throughout the rest of the exchange. He had to call Ethan over for paying for the room, the man's jacket still looking soaked. At least it wasn't dripping all over the floor at the moment. Rubbing his cold arms, the ex-agent called the elevator down, repeating the room number in his head over and over.

He wondered if this was a sick joke from the universe. A hotel with only one bed rooms open, and a rainstorm that happened to pour down just when he realized he even had feelings? It felt like the universe wanted to plant the idea that he had a chance with the architect in his head.
Damn the universe and it's cruel games, would be his response.

"Hopefully there's a place we can eat within walking distance," Ethan muttered, looking overall uncomfortable. The rain had to be the reason, since it held stressful memories. Norman felt some unease, but not the amount the architect would. He wasn't the one who went through God knows what to save his son. He was just an FBI agent who had to try and work with a stubborn police force.

"Hopefully...or if not, I can always run to the car and grab snacks." Norman offered, the elevator door finally opening. He stepped in, pressing the button for the top floor. The door shut slowly and the elevator jumped to life abruptly, causing both men to stumble a bit. "Christ, that's not a good sign for the rest of the place," he muttered, grabbing one of the side bars for support. An amused hum was Ethan's only response.

As abruptly as it started, the elevator stopped, the door opening with a machine like whine. Norman was glad to nearly run out of the elevator, trying to figure out which direction their room was in. He glanced at the numbers, noticing that their room was two down from the elevator. He nudged Ethan and started to their room, unlocking the door and jolting back from the frigid air conditioning.

"At least the worst part of the room is the cold," Ethan tried to find a positive within the worsening situation. The ex-agent snorted softly and nodded, rubbing his arms furiously as he walked inside. One bed, directly in front of a TV. A futon was set up next to it, away from the blasting AC. The bathroom was awkwardly tucked next to the door, hidden behind it. Stepping into the room felt like jumping immediately into a swimming pool naked in the night.

"Damn rain would make it hard to get any warmer clothes," he mumbled to himself, trying to figure out a way to lessen the AC's temperature. He gave up quickly though, after it seemed impossible. He glanced at Ethan, making a mental note to keep an eye on him for the rest of the day. He didn't know if the rain could trigger anything or not, sitting next to him on the bed. "So...we have time to kill. Any ideas?"

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