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Norman fixed up the bed whilst he waited for Ethan to come back, the ex-agent feeling incredibly bored. He didn't want to get lost in thought, scared of what he'd get lost in. But he didn't have ARI to fiddle around with, or his phone to distract himself with. He swore he'd never been so bored in his life, or desiring attention so much. Though he knew attention wouldn't immediately go to him once the architect got home, it still was better than being alone.

Thankfully he heard the door open and footsteps follow, unsure of how his presence would be handled. Thankfully Ethan didn't make him overthink for long, the man crackingthe door opened. Norman felt his heart flutter by the happy spark forming in the other's eyes upon landing on him. He walked forward to press a small greeting kiss on the ex-agent's forehead, smiling at him softly.

"Hey sunshine," he whispered, resting his forehead against Norman's. "We were thinking of ordering pizza for dinner, is that okay with you?" He asked quietly, playing with the collar of the taller man's shirt. Norman tried not to get distracted by how tempting it was to kiss the other man, giving a small and slight nod in response, giving into temptation and giving a small peck. Ethan smiled his sweet smile, dropping his hands to hold onto the ex-agent's. He pressed another small kiss on his lips before slowly pulling back, though keeping a hold on his hands.

"Have I told you that you look very handsome today, Mars?" Norman murmured softly, leaning up to catch another kiss. "Because you look irresistibly handsome today."
Despite the confident tone, he was a mess of nerves over just thinking of saying that. However actually saying it made his heart speed up, wondering if that was too cheesy to say. Ethan's quiet laugh and grin showed that it was appreciated, his cheeks flushing as well. The ex-agent silently cheered in victory, heart still pounding like a drum.

"Have I told you that you're simply irresistible?" The architect murmured back playfully, smirking a small bit. Norman's face went red, ducking his head into the architect's neck to hide it. He couldn't think of how to respond, biting his lip in thought. He needed a good reply, and fast. Pulling his head back, he tilted his head with a low hum. The expectant, teasing look on Ethan's face was more fueling to respond. Unfortunately, nothing could be better than what the architect said.

Norman bit his lip again, not wanting to risk a proper longer kiss. He didn't want to not do anything either, squeezing the other's hands lightly. "I hate easily you can get me to be speechless," he mumbled, too flustered to say or do anything else. The architect laughed softly, fully pulling away. The ex-agent gazed up at him for a moment before standing as well, tilting his head. "How should I introduce myself to Shaun, exactly?"

Ethan froze slightly, thinking for a moment. The silence felt deafening, a deadly cloud in the room. A heavy weight on both men's shoulders, shattered like a window pierced with a bullet when the architect replied.
"Given that he's still too young for 'the talk', I think it'd be best if our relationship was hidden." Ethan answered softly, glancing down. "So a friend in need that'll permanently be living here would be the best answer, just for a few more years."

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