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The only thing that Norman enjoyed about fast food was the fact that it was quick to eat. The rain started to let up, but that didn't stop a passing car from splashing water onto his clothes, a string of curses following suit. The ex-agent tried to shake water away from his clothes before the fabric could cling to him. A small huff blew out, arms crossing over his now soaked chest. "Fuckin' swell," he muttered, making his way to the car before Ethan could see him like this.

He just had to get to the hotel room and change, already having a lie set in stone if he was asked about the clothes. He stared driving to the hotel, trying not to shiver at the cold he felt from the water he was unfortunately hit with. He was able to act relaxed, glancing at Ethan occasionally to make sure the man didn't notice. Though, sometimes those glances were more directed to just look the man in general.
The hotel seemed to be a lot closer than he remembered.

Parking closer to the entrance, Norman got out of the car, waiting for Ethan to start to walk to the hotel. Timing was all that mattered now, he needed the other man far enough so he could open the trunk and gather clothes for himself to change into. He almost ran to the trunk and grabbed a random shirt and pair of pants, unable to hide them very well. He walked into the lobby and took the elevator, surprised that Ethan wasn't waiting for him. The sudden start answered that question, the ex-agent stumbled again with a sigh.

He wondered if he'd be in the room before Ethan. That would be even more helpful and wouldn't raise concern. Norman hoped it'd be as simple as that, jolting out of thought at the jerk of the elevator stopping. Stepping out, he unlocked the room and opened the doorz sighing softly. He was about to duck into the bathroom to change when he heard a familiar, almost addictive voice speak up.

"Norman, the hell happened to you?" The architect walked over, reaching out to try and feel the soaked fabric. Norman pulled away from the attempt, his shoulder bumping the wall. A brow was raised at the response, more concerned shining in his eyes. He tried again, and the ex-agent moved back again, now fully pressed against the wall. The clothes were dropped at this point, heart and mind kicked into hyperthinking.

An arm leaned against the wall, close to Norman's shoulder. The other hand lightly squeezed water out of the shirt, blue eyes darting back up towards the ex-agent's face. Norman couldn't help but stare at the lips so close to his own, the only thing keeping him still was the fear of rejection and losing his friendship. Eventually the ex-agent was able to look away, absolutely positive that Ethan could hear his heart race. It felt like an opportunity was missed when Ethan finally pulled back. 

Norman made a promise to himself; if he any found himself in a situation like this again, he'd take the chance.

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