Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sam woke up with a jolt, then sat on the edge of his bed, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened, feeling slightly groggy. He was content to be back, where he felt he belonged, with Annie, the Guv, with the rest of the team, who had now put Sam's betrayal behind them, but the nightmares still visited. Who had shot DCI Morgan, just kept rattling round his head, awake, and asleep. Did it really matter? Sam on that day had been tempted to do the same. Everything was a blur, returning to the tunnel, Morgan pulling a gun on him. Sam just kept thinking it through, and through.
"You cannot come back Sam, this is not the plan, you were to destroy Hunt, you now know too much" As Morgan aimed the Colt at Sam's head, a shotgun blast hit Morgan in the back, but Sam couldn't tell if it was Johns, or Hunt who'd fired, he was just damn grateful. As Morgan went down, Sam then saw Johns standing over his Guv, and Annie, aiming his shotgun at the Guv.
"I'm going to enjoy this Hunt, no one betrays me, especially a bastard Copper" were Johns last words. Sam fired twice, first shot taking Johns down, the second finishing him off.
"Where have you been, taking a Jimmy Riddle" Hunt barked at Tyler, struggling to get up.
"I said I wouldn't leave you" Sam looked at the distressed Annie
"Oh lucky us" Hunt retorted.
"You betrayed us Tyler" Carling spluttered angrily, trying to get up.
"Leave it Carling, geroff, I'm not a fairy" Hunt shoved Tyler's helping hand away.

Sam could see all this clearly in his nightmares, over and over again, but none of it had been talked about since. Morgan had survived the shooting, but would be in hospital for some time, how ironic was that Sam thought. Had the others seen Morgan pull a gun on him, Morgan's back was to them, and it was dark in the tunnel. Sam just had the feeling it wasn't over. The shooting was put down to John's, trying to kill another Copper, but Sam, being picky pain Sam, needed to know the truth.

The Guv had been asked to set up new CID unit in the Met. They all knew it was because of the train blag, which had gone dramatically wrong. The new Super coming in didn't want the likes of DCI Gene Hunt, and his sidekicks in the force, especially with the shooting of Morgan not being entirely black and white. Hunt had several covering his back, several mavericks in the force who would not see him demoted, or dismissed, so a transfer of the whole team to the Met was the best answer. The Guv got results, and to most that was all that mattered. They all thought it would be good to get away from the likes of DCI Litton, and DI Bevan too. Sam had to convince the Guv that Annie had to come, and the Guv just had to persuade the Mrs.

The Guv was sat in his office nursing a serious hangover. He'd not been home, there was no point, the Mrs would just go on, and on, and on... The offer of setting up new CID unit in the Met with Ray, Chris, Sam was exciting, Gene couldn't deny that. Scum was scum where ever you were. The train blag had gone wrong, off course it wasn't Hunt's fault, it never was, but others didn't see it that way! The shooting of Morgan was unfortunate too. Of course the transfer needed to be discussed over few pints, which turned into several, and they all knew it maybe have been their last night at the Railway Arms, until they returned for that one last visit. Hunt sunk large Scotch, hair of the dog, now was good time to ask, well tell the Mrs, down the phone, where she couldn't throw anything at him.
"Morning luv, I've been asked to go to the Met in London, set up new CID unit, fancy a move?" Gene asked cautiously. That was it, the floodgates opened. His Mrs started the one sided conversation, with several expletives, and not many compliments. Gene just held the receiver away from him, he could still hear her going on. Gene then laid the receiver on the desk, poured himself another hair of the dog. All Gene could hear was his Mrs dulcet tones coming through the earpiece, it then went quiet. Gene picked up the phone.
"So is that a yes?" Gene asked, knowing he was wasting his breath. The one sided conversation started all over again, Gene laid the phone on the desk. Gene's Mrs was still rabbiting on when Carling walked in the office.
"Mrs?" Carling asked laughing
"How did you guess" Hunt said shaking his head, offering Carling a Scotch.
"Are you bloody listening Hunt you ...?" came down the phone.
"Yes of course luv, is that ok then?" The phone went dead.
"Think that's a no then Guv" Carling chuckled, as Skelton, and Tyler walked into the office.
"Well she always said I was married to the job, and to be bloody honest, I know which one I'd rather divorce. So that's it then we're all heading London, Christopher you in?"
"Pub, yeah" Chris replied feeling slightly green, from the previous night.
"No London, you bloody idiot" Gene barked
"Oh yeah, definitely, I'm in"
"You in Raymondo?"
"Yes Guv, where you go I'm a step behind" Carling said, knowing he would follow the Guv off a cliff if he asked.
"What about you Tyler?" Gene asked hoping Tyler would join them. They'd not always seen eye to eye, Sam had betrayed him too, but that was now forgotten, he'd had his reasons. Tyler had in the end saved their lives. Also he liked having Tyler around, although Hunt would never let on.
"Annie has to come too, continue being part of the team" Sam stated, he hadn't actually asked her yet, she'd left the pub early, but he was sure she would want to come, he really hoped.
"You bloody nancy Tyler. Well we're gonna need a female plonk, some eye candy. I can sort that" Gene nodded with a cheeky grin.

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