Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The Guv was sat with feet up on the desk. Mug of coffee in one hand, case file in the other. Typical 70's wide lapel grey fleck jacket, beige kipper tie, and a pink shirt that not many men could get away with, but it only enhanced the Guv's brooding good looks. Tyler walked into the office hoping the Guv was in a good mood. Usual black leather jacket, and never a tie.
"What's the case Guv?"
"Wendy Gorman. Signs of forced sex, murdered. 14yo for Christ's sake. The case was dropped like hot buttered crumpets"
"Hot bricks" Sam exclaimed
"Whatever Tyler, it was still dropped. It's bothering me, something doesn't ring true. Ralph Jarvis brought in for questioning" Hunt pondered "Anyway Tyler what can I do you for?" Guv asked, putting Gorman file in his top desk draw.
"Warren was spotted outside Neary's Snooker Hall last night"
"Really, surveillance Tyler?" Guv enquired
"Annie, and couple of friends" Sam smiled
"Pissed plonks then, not totally reliable... Cartwright" Guv barked. Annie walked into the Guv's office.
"Yes Guv"
"Is this right about Warren? Outside Chapel Road Snooker Hall? Are you sure it was him?"
"I'd know him anywhere Guv, didn't recognise who he was with though. He may of seen me" Annie said cautiously, expecting the Guv to shout, he did.
"Oh great, just great. Let's tell him we're on to him shall we" Hunt banged his mug on the desk, making Tyler jump.
"This coffee is crap. Should of settled for hair of the dog" Hunt took flask from his jacket inside pocket, and took a quick slug of Single Malt.
"Its 8.30am Guv" Sam despaired.
"It'll be 5 o'clock bloody somewhere Tyler, stop worrying." Carling get my search warrant" Hunt stood up grabbing the old faithful Camel Coat.
"Really Guv, oh great" Carling raced excitedly over to bottom draw of filing cabinet pulling out a crowbar.
"Search Warrant?" Sam looked in disbelief.
"Yes Tyler, let's go look round the Snooker Hall before they open up. Early bird catches the bent bastards" the Guv's hackles were up, Carling's too. Tyler would have to catch the Guv another time. Now was not good time for what he wanted to ask. Would there ever be a good time...

"Skelton, Cartwright, Terry, you stay here. Want as much on Neary as possible. Where he sleeps, shits, and shags. Also a Ralph Jarvis. Carling, Tyler let's go a hunting" Guv strode purposefully out of the main office, followed by Carling who was always happy being out with the Guv, intimidating, battering, and breaking a few doors down. Tyler was definitely more apprehensive. He needed to talk to the Guv too, he'd promised Annie. They all bundled into the Cortina. Tyler in passenger seat. Raymondo in the back hanging on to the search warrant. The tyres squealed in delight as Hunt hit the accelerator. Arriving at the Snooker Hall, everywhere looked fairly quiet. Chapel Road consisting of cafes, bars, and clubs was yet to wake up.
"We can't just go breaking in Guv, we have no reasonable excuse to" Tyler stated.
"What do you suggest then Tyler? Oh excuse us Neary can we just check your place for drugs, guns, cash, and anything illegal, if you wouldn't mind?" Guv teased Tyler, with really sarcastic tone, and smirked. Carling laughed, shaking his head at Tyler, chewing his juicy fruit furiously.
"No.. but..." Guv interrupted Tyler
"Come on Raymondo, Tyler stay here if you want. We need a look inside, and I'm not asking for your permission, or bloody Neary's, got it?" Hunt barked at Tyler. Sam knew he was wasting his breath, least if he went with Hunt, he could keep an eye on him. Hunt and Carling got out their guns, checked, loaded, and ready.
"You're armed?" Tyler stated surprised
"Well you don't bloody think I'm going in there bare back do you Sammy Boy?" Hunt laughed. "Who knows what we may find"
"I've no gun though" Sam looking slightly bewildered.
"Never mind Tyler, we'll watch your back" Carling sneered, remembering back to the train blag. Carling tried to forget, but found it hard. Tyler had changed Carling's world the day he arrived, and although few years down the road, was still hard to swallow sometimes.

They all climbed out of the Cortina, walked towards the snooker hall, looking about them, making sure no one was clocking what they were up to. They spotted a side passage leading down to the fire escape.
"This'll do. Tyler stay here, keep watch" Hunt directed, continuing down the passage. Within seconds...
"Guv" Tyler tried to whisper loud enough for Hunt to hear.
"Guv" Tyler tried again.
"What? I'm busy" Hunt snapped, trying to help Carling force open the fire escape door.
"Warren" Sam exclaimed.
"You're bloody joking me" Hunt crept up behind Tyler, peering over Tyler's shoulder, and spotting Wendy Warren, being dropped off from a Merc, with 2 hired thugs in the front.
"Bugger! Hide. Carling, leave it" Hunt barked in a whisper. They all crouched by the fire escape stairs. All 3 of their hearts pounding. To be found here would screw everything, and they knew Warren, and his chums, would probably make sure they all ended up propping up a bridge over the new motorway.
"Is that Neary?" Hunt whispered.
"Yes" confirmed Sam. Noticing Warren's thugs looked armed, made him feel uneasy
"Oh bloody hell. They're more than business partners then" Hunt exclaimed, not liking the image before him, as Warren and Neary got fairly intimate, with their greeting.
"Bum bandits, fudge packers, gay as a bloody Christmas Tree" Hunt exclaimed, louder than he meant. Warren, and Neary stopped what they were doing, looking down the passage. Hunt, Tyler, and Carling pushed themselves tight against the wall, behind the stairs, hardly daring to breathe. Hearts thundering in their chests, sweat appearing in various uncomfortable places. Warren and Neary disappeared from view after few very long seconds, and could be heard opening shutters to the snooker hall. The Merc drove off. They all breathed huge sigh of relief,,but neither Hunt, Tyler or Carling moved straight away, then Hunt laughed. Tyler could never understand the Guv's humour, but started laughing too, along with Carling. They all knew that had been a close thing.
"What now Guv?" Carling asked, wanting some action.
"We'll get back to station, see what Chris, Terry, and Annie have" Guv pulled out his gun, just in case, followed by Carling.
"Can't we just blunder in there, get Warren Guv, he is wanted after all" Carling had an itchy trigger finger.
"No, we wait, slowly, slowly, catchy bent bastards. I want to see why Warren is here, what they're planning. We know who he's sucking off now, where to find him" replied the Guv.
"You have such a way with the English language Guv" Tyler shook his head.
"Thanks Sammy Boy" Hunt totally missing the sarcasm
"Stick your nose out there Tyler" Guv smiled.
"Thanks Guv" Sam not missing the Guv's intention, of using him a target, just in case. Sam nodded it was ok. Once back in the Cortina the mood lightened.
"Thought we were gonnas then Guv" Carling laughed, chewing frantically.
"We could of shot our way out, just like Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" Guv replied happily, knowingly nodding.
"That's not the greatest example Guv, it didn't end well" Sam sighed.
"Did it not?" Guv asked. They all laughed, glad to be heading back the station with all their brains still intact.

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